
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just like everyone else....

Is it REALLY going to be surprising when I say I worked on the OC #2 tonight!??!!?
My goodness---some of the ladies were so GOOFY with their posts while they were waiting (impatiently) for clue #2.

yeah, yeah, yeah....I'm sure I would have been the same way had I not needed to work today :0)

But...yeah....I set the CC aside for now to get a little start on #2. So far, as you can see from the picture, I've cut the 3.5 half-triangles, and started cutting the 2" half-triangles. I didn't realize how much RED scrap fabric I had!!! AND, this is the first project I've done where I've used the Easy Angle Ruler. How FUN!!! And EASY!! I'm not really going to rush this part; it DOES seem daunting though!! SO many pieces!!!

I have chosen to use the same "light" farbic for the OC quilt. I sure hope I have enough!!! I don't think it would look that great if I had to go "scrappy" now that all of my #1 and #2 "lights" are from the same fabric. We shall see.......

Here's the update on the CC too----I've started step #4 after completing step 3 the other night. Tonight, I DID finish cutting the 1.5" brown squares before starting in with the OC, though! I'm surprised I was so prioritized enough to do that!. This part of the CC ALSO seems daunting! Come on!!!!! 120 Little, Teeny, Tiny Triangles!!! YIKES!

And here we have all the CC steps 1-3 shown. I think I like the greens so far, but it's so hard to tell until it's all together!!!

DH is planning on taking the three girls to the "farm" (cabin up North that used to be an old farmhouse.) He's allowing me to just kick back, alone, and quilt away the weekend :0) *relaxing sigh*....I can't wait for some quiet time :0)


  1. A quilting weekend sounds wonderful - enjyou!

  2. Hey, I love your colors for the OC. I am an excited sewer too and will get to work on step 2 tomorrow through the weekend. I'm going on retreat and have alot of planned sewing to do. Thanks for coming to my blog. Good luck on winning the little quilt! quilty hugs, Linda

  3. I bet you've made a good start on Step 2 by now, you have so much energy. I've made the pieced triangles and hope to finish the blocks today.

  4. OK, I just glanced at your blog, and I think we might be long lost twins. My kids are girl boy girl and they are 8, 6 and 4. I teach chemistry and biology rather than math. Everything else seems to be the same. How many people out there make quilts and run marathons? And how strange is it that we are even working on the same quilt right now?
