
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

TADA! The top is done

It's done! It's done! It's done!

For THAT, I'm happy.....


*sigh*.....NOW I'm hitting a road-block on how to quilt it. I seriously stood for 30 minutes...looking at the top quilt, moving around it to different view points, tried to picture different designs inside the blocks, around the blocks....should it be circular? or perhaps a simple meander? do I have the skill for a baptist fan?


So, if any of you have ANY ideas, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave me a suggestion in the comments???...???....????

Here's a close up of the center, which I also used as the image on the label..

OH! WHICH, by the way, was done by using a piece of white fabric, IRONED to freezer-paper, and then......GET THIS-----Sent THROUGH my printer!.......BRILLIANT!!!!!!! I can't believe I never thought of doing that!!! There's NO POINT to investing money in the fabric sheets!!! This was an idea shared by someone from the QuiltvilleChat group......what awesome ideas that come thru the group!


  1. That top looks really good Amy. Thanks for the tip - both using a photograph for the label and using freezer paper to make it. With such a complex design would a simple quilting pattern be best since you won't really see it?

  2. Way to go! I love the way your finished quilt looks. I have my finished Carolina Crossroads next in line to be quilted, and I've been pondering as well. I'm seriously thinking about doing a grid through all of the nine patch areas and leaving the plain squares for some sort of simple repeating motif. I don't know how much a lot of fancy quilting would show up anyway, and I know I don't have the skill yet for a baptist fan.
    I've done the freezer paper through the printer trick as well, but I've had trouble with the ink washing out. If you treat the fabric with Bubble Jet Set ahead of time, it help the colors stay put

  3. Oh! It's just beautiful. I loved doing that mystery! Mine is still waiting for borders due to indecision on my part. Grrrrrr! I get stuck often at the border stage.....

  4. I am now going back and reading up on your Bonnie quilts and things I may have missed...this one turned out great in these unique colors! WOW!
