
Monday, June 23, 2008

Lazy Days Tote done

Well, if this counts as one of the five projects to finish by the end of July, mark off item #2. After some guessing and "flubbing" on the directions, it came together rather smoothly. I must say that quilting the front and back were the most fun parts! I'm starting to fall in love with the BSR. I wouldn't need to use it because FMQ with this machine is SOOO easy as compared to my old Brother, but still----I might as well USE the darn thing if I paid for it :0)

I even used the bag right away this afternoon by throwing my wallet and phone in it while picking up the girls from summer school, and treating them to some ice cream.

However, it IS a bit small. It would be great for a "beach outing" bag---throw some sunscreen in, a book or two, maybe some sewing. However, I'm not much of a "purse" person. I'll be gifting this one to the girls; Caitlyn already is excited and was carrying around her bracelets, necklaces, and dolls in it.

I don't think I'll get much done on the quilting front tomorrow. I have been claimed by my husband after being bid to the highest bidder :0) He's "paying" me to be his assistant tomorrow doing some landscaping for one of his client's houses/yards. Since I put in most of our yard, he figured I was "cheap labor." It was either me, or pay one of his subcontractors $20/hour; he figured I was the better deal. Besides, he saved his butt by adding "You're much better looking than Lance, too."

I'm debating on a) going downstairs to baste the OC wall quilt, b) surf for some quilting motivs/patterns, or c)continue ripping out this baby quilt for re-quilting. I often do in my classroom when I randomly choose group test papers for collecting: rolling a die:
1, 2--choice a
3, 4--choice b
5, 6--choice c


TWO! (2): Choice A it is! So, off to downstairs I go.


  1. I've been debating whether to join the finish 5 challenge, because so many of my current projects are quite small and HAVE to be finished for one reason or another anyway. I can well see your little daughter loving the bag, its very cute and girly. I try to go for small handbags more these days, to make me leave stuff behind - do I really need to carry a screwdriver, torch, tape measure,spare batteries etc every time I go out? Have a good day - you'll need a long hot soak in the bath after all that gardening.

  2. Caitlyn is a cutie! It looks like your bag has found a good home.

  3. I joined the challenge because they don't sell motivation in a bottle or do they?

    Somedays, I need use a cattle poker!

    Love the bag. Your daughter likes the camera and the camera likes her.

  4. Lets try that sentence again...

    Somedays, I need to use a cattle poker!

  5. LOVE that look on Caitlyn's face. What a cutie! The finished bag is way too cute as well, and great to get an immediate finish in on the challenge. Good luck with the landscaping, I haven't seen Lance, but I'm sure your husband is correct in saying you are much prettier.

  6. Wow, I am impressed! I love the bag and your daughter is a real cutie!!!!!
