
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cathy's Aunt Sukey--2 parts done!

Sorry, but no pictures tonight (no lieing this time either!) I was able to sit for quite a bit of the day in front of the machine and finished quilting piece #1 (uppper left corner) AND mark and quilt piece #2 (lower right corner). Is it okay to sit for 10 minutes and just ADMIRE the quilting you've accomplished?!?!? I did!!! I just layed on my tummy on the floor, cupped my chin in my hands, and looked at allllllll the quilting accomplished today! I quilted a running-heart in the green sashings----beautiful! And i"m really not meaning to be so "gloating" tonight, but I just can't BELIEVE how good it is turning out so far.

However, all good things must come to an end. I finished up piece #2 at 9:00 tonight. I brought up piece #3 (the middle "connecting" diagonal piece) so I could mark the quilting from templates. Folks-----I was only through two blocks of the 10 total on this piece, and I crashed. All energy left me---I needed to just step away and give it a rest. So, since then, I've been catching up on email and I hope to spend about another half-hour or so catching up on some of your blogs (SORRY--I haven't left many comments lately!)

Tomorrow is the 4th of July---Independence Day. We plan to head up north to the "farm." I think DH has some shopping and such to do in town first, so I'll plan to pack up the girls, tidy up the house (so it's not a disaster when we come back on Sunday--I HATE that!), and perhaps spend some more time on marking the last section IF time allows.

I have completley bought into the quilting in sections technique! There is NO FATHOMABLE WAY I would have been able to quilt these patterns if I had to trudge this whole quilt under the machine's arm. I can foresee a bit of extra math calculations with every future quilt so I can utilize this technique.

Happy Quilting!


  1. I can't wait to see pictures of all the new quilting. There's nothing wrong with admiring the outcome of all of your hard work, especially when it comes out better than you expected. Is it going to be hard to give this quilt away after all?

  2. I don't like returning to a Mess!

    The maid NEVER shows up! When she does I am going to FIRE her ! LOL!
    I am kidding of course.I wish.. I had a Maid/ Domestic engineer better yet a butler!

    I want to try this Quilt in sections thing...

  3. I am glad you are enjoying your success, it's allowed, and taking a few minutes to just soak it in. I am also looking forward to seeing the pictures.
    Have a good time at the farm with your family, and a happy safe holiday.
