
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Okay, SHORT post tonight :0)

*chuckling at the comments from last night's post*

Okay...I'll make this one short and sweet---no photos, even! How's that?? :0)

I awoke @ 6:30; no shower (pee-u!); coffee and bagel; sandwiched and basted baby-quilt that I'd been ripping; avoided the heat of the day by heading downstairs to start quilting; got upset by TENSION ISSUES AGAIN!!! (but I think that's because the user has to play with the settings a bit more when using VERY thin fabric and batting (ummm...the batting is actually a piece of flannel); so, changed my "upstairs-hand-sewing-job" to quilting the baby quilt and put the Desert Stars away for another year ( :0) );

OKAY ---I LIED!!! I'll Ban my "never tell a lie" flag!!!!

Here's a shot of how the baby quilt was marked with cute concentric hearts and some grids; using verigated pastel thread.

Okay...back to the quick post-----lunch; did some more hand quilting on baby quilt; Candace fell asleep at 2:00; I headed downstairs to start piecing the backing (after IRONING NINE YARDS OF FABRIC!) for Cathy's Aunt Sukey; piddled with measurements and TRIPLE checked before making any cuts; didn't feel like basting---oh yeah : DUH! I needed to mark the quilt markings first; back upstairs to mark one corner of quilt using the hard-wood floor; made supper; did a little hand-quilting; hung out with girls and Dad watching "Wipe Out" (eh---it's okay; the big red rubber balls get us cracking up almost every time!); started to watch "I survived a Japanese Game Show," but laced up the laces 10 minutes later; ran 3.2 miles; shushed girls to bed; drank some water; logged on; posted.....oh wait...that's what I'm doing right now----no past tense there :0)

Whew---even typed like THAT, it still seems like a whirl-wind, huh?

Okay, I'm off to check out Blog Roll at (THANKS LORI!) I hope I find it and get it working!


  1. I'm having fun sorting out the tension on my new machine too, remembering to change it for different types of fabric. I do enjoy hand quilting, but haven't managed to get to grips with a hoop though.
    If you don't have any joy with Blogroll, try Google Reader, I found that very easy to work. Have a good day.

  2. You should NOT be having tension issues on your brand new top of the line sewing machine. It should be perfect -- infallible even! You should definitely be calling tech support or something. Maybe a different batting would help. I'm in love with Warm and Natural right now. It just lays so nice and smooth.
