
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Strawberry jam recipe

For those interested:

My favorite SIMPLE strawberry jam recipe is a "freezer" jam. Here is the SureJell site that has the exact recipe I used off the box.
Basic ingredients: One box Sure-Jell, 4 cups sugar, 2 cups crushed strawberries, 3/4 cup water. Sorry--I don't know the exact amount of "pectin" that is in the Sure-Jell box. VERY SIMPLE recipe!!! It's "fail-safe" too---seriously!!!

My MIL had also picked up some other type of pectin that was a "no-boil" recipe; with almost exact opposite ingredients requested. Basic ingredients: One packet "other brand" pectin, 1 1/2 cup sugar, 4 cups strawberries.

Having taste-tested both types after sitting in the fridge for a day, I vote the Sure-Jell recipe TOP! Hands-down!!! The other brand was rather fluidy and not very "jelly-like" at all. The tastes were virtually the same; however, the Sure-jell was sweeter----(DUH! 4 cups of sugar vs. 1 1/2 from the other brand will probably do that, huh???)

I did a quick google, and came across another Strawberry recipe forum, but haven't looked closely at any of the recipes. They may also be Sure-Jell recipes, but not sure.

Amanda, sorry hun, I don't know if Sure-Jell is avaiable in UK----heck, I don't even know if it's available throughout the entire USA. But it's SOOOO easy, soooo simple, and tastes marvelous!!!

The nice thing about the freezer-jam recipes, is you don't have to mess with canning with a pressure cooker and fretting that a seal wasn't complete. I love the simple Glad dishes; they stack nicely, and I really don't have to worry TOOO much about freezer space because we have a chest-freezer. However, strawberry jam doesn't last long in these here parts!!! :0)


  1. It looks yummy, I'll have to check my supermarket and see if they carry it. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. Hello Amy, your strawberry jam looks lovely - how could it not? I'm pretty certain we don't sell Sure-Jell over here, but I think I've seen something called Certo, which may be similar. I'll have to do some more research I think. Happy eating.

  3. I am going to try this one! Thanks

  4. Oh, you are making me so hungry. I'll have to try some the next time we have our annual strawberry festival.

  5. I'm going to have to try this. I've read on several different blogs about this freezer jam and how easy it is. I have officially put it on my To Do List. You talked me into it with the Glad Ware! Hugs, Linda
