
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Glorious weekend at the farm; Fun with Bricks complete; saddened by Olympic Marathon...

I was able to put the last stitches on my Fun with Bricks (pattern from Bonnie Hunter @ Quiltville) Thursday before leaving for the farm. It is yet another fun scrappy quilt with many pieces that bring back memories from completing other projects leading to these scraps. The quilting is a simple stipple/meander in the colored "bow-ties" while there is almost an hour-glass-loop created in the white "hearts." So----for the time being, it is my snuggler until I get my OC back from Julie. I needed to loan it to Julie since she had to give hers up to me for a couple of weeks while I put some final quilting touches on it.

The weekend was fun and relaxing. I packed up the Bernina and fabric to start my next quilt for a friend's daughter (for Christmas). I figured it was time to start tackling Christmas presents because I figure time is going to start to be limited, and my "gift-list" is growing and growing.
So far on the list:

  • Masha (friend's adopted Russian daughter)
  • Andre (friend's adopted Russian son)
  • Isaac (friend's adopted son---he's American)
  • Jan (the friend ;0) )
  • Scot (DH's boss)
  • Derek (Brother in law)
  • Ron (brother)
  • Anita (friend of in-laws) might not be a bad idea to get those projects rolling, eh??? In fact, I might even give the Fun with Bricks to my brother as last resort if time gets to be limited.

The weekend wasn't all quilting, though. Friday was ABSOLUTELY beautiful outside! We spent a few hours picking TONS of beans and cucumbers, and then pickling and canning the bounty! I cannot buh-lieve how many blossoms are still on the cucumber plants!!! They (in-laws) are going to have another ton-n-a-half next weekend when they go up!!!!

Running definitely was on my weekend agenda, too. Friday night, I only ran an easy 4 miles, and then Saturday morning I ran about 11 miles, give-or-take. Oh, that reminds me!! I can't WAIT until the post-man brings me my next goodie!!! The goodie has nothing to do with quilting, either! I broke down and ordered a Garmin Forerunner 305, which is a glorified (many bells-n-whistles) watch; complete with heart-rate monitor and GPS capabilities. I have a hard time not knowing the exact distances I run on my training runs----it downright bugs me!!!!! I can estimate them based on my time and effort; I can plot them out on some WWW sites and know distances, but still.... I want to know as exact as possible AT THE MOMENT!! Besides, this watch also has a few neat features that give you a competitor; be it competing against a previous run of yours OR competing against a goal that you program in. Ohhhh...I can't wait!!!! It should be arriving sometime this week, but I don't know the exact date.

Finally, I was so happy to find out that the Women's Olympic Marathon was going to televised LIVE Saturday evening (7:30 ET). I was pumped; got all the girls bathed and fed before then to be sure I could devote 2 hours of uninterrupted time in front of the tube to watch every step!!!! And then..... the gun goes off....things are going well....can't really see Deena Kastor in the pack anywhere, and then.........................personal heartbreak!!!----Deena Kastor pulled out at mile 3. *cry...slump....disbelief* I was so hoping for her to have a beautiful race; was planning to pull for her all the way. I am quite amazed at myself for how disappointed and heart-broken I was when I saw her pull out due to injury..........It was SO disappointing that I almost turned the TV off since I really no longer had any heart to watch it. But then, the camera panned back to the leaders; and there was Paula Radcliffe, who (although British), is yet another running role model for me. So, for the next two hours, I was glued to the screen, footage being shared between the marathon and swimming events (as if the USA would NOT show LIVE coverage of Phelp's race.....tscha, right!!!) *wink*
My heart was now pulling for Radcliffe, hoping against hope, she would finish the race this time and not needing to pull out herself. So, imagine my heartbreak AGAIN when I saw Radcliffe STOP in the last part of the race. I was so bummed thinking she'd be pulling out too, but she stretched and fought through it to finish 23rd. What inspiration!!!!!!! I know she wasn't the top Briton (is that correct Amanda---I read it in an article online, but have never seen that spelling before) , but she's yet another idol of mine.

I am looking forward to the week; quilting; planning for school; cleaning house; gardening; the whole lot is on the agenda. And, of course, I can't forget to add running to that list!!!

Happy Sunday!


  1. I don't know whether to be pleased (not so much to do) or sad (not much to do) but our family has made the decision not to give Christmas presents to the adult members, we just give 'virtual' charity gifts instead. And we've never given Christmas presents to non-family members or friends - few Britons (yes that is the correct spelling) do. That's a great watch. If I can keep Christopher from buying himself a new watch in the next few months it would make a great Christmas present for him. Poor Paula Radcliffe, she just doesn't seem to have much Olympic luck does she.

  2. Where to start? First I love how the fun with bricks turned out. You really got good at machine quilting in a real hurry. The yellow border sets it of so nicely.
    I too watched the marathon, although I wasn't personally pulling for anyone. It was nice to think about the winner being 38 and still out running like that. I am so astounded when I hear their paces. They seem to be just out there jogging along, but they go faster than I do for a 5K, and for 26.2 miles!
    I always assumed that you had a Garmin from the way to logged your miles. I have to have exact numbers as well and understand the "need" I spent a few months driving around in circles to chart miles with an odometer before my husband surprised me with a 301. That was before I discovered that google earth would measure for me.
    Your Christmas list is ambitious to say the least. Good luck with getting everything done and not going crazy along the way. Don't forget that Bonnie has another mystery coming up -- you have to save some time for that too!

  3. Love your Fun with Bricks quilt. I made a version a while back and have the 'urge' to make another soon. Like you I just love seeing all the scraps of quilts gone by turning up again :)
