
Sunday, October 5, 2008


Whoo-hoo! Finally a day off where motivation wasn't lacking! I started downstairs around 8:00 this morning with high hopes of cutting into my new fabric from Friday's purchase. HOWEVER, those fabrics are mainly being reserved for the Cathedral Stars donation quilt I am planning to make for my Dad's VFW. BUT, here they are-----

and here they are after being washed and dried. I REALLLLLLY debated with myself on whether to wash them up since they are only 1/4 yard each, and we ALLLL know what happens to fabric after being washed and dried. FRAYYYYING! However, these colors are so bright, and I plan to use 100% cotton white as the background, so I didn't want to risk any bleeding, so.......washed they were. (OH! You see that basket behind the pile on the floor? That is what still is in need of ironing from the donations from my mom's church).

And neatly ironed with much of the fraying cut off.

Before starting on any ONE project, I began the day by sifting through yet MORE donations from my mom. This time, however, she purchased them purposely for me while at an auction a few weeks back. Many of the fabrics are "homey" browns, flowers, etc. But there was one red "star" fabric that would be PERFECT for Andre's Out of this World quilt. (See below)

Ooooo-----and check this baby out! Stashed at the bottom of the big box was this gem. I'll set it aside---maybe putz with adding some more blocks, borders, and donate it to Mom's church???

Anyway, after playing through those fabrics, I finally dug into the yardard for Andre's Out of this World quilt. I'm using a midnight-blue-star fabric and white, with bright colors for the stars. After about 3 hours, 96 half-square white/blue blocks were made and 96 quarter-square/half-square white/blue/bright blocks were made. (And in case you like numbers----that equated to about 576 dog ears to be cut!) That brought me to preparing lunch (chicken-noodle soup, ring bologna and grilled cheese sandwiches). PERFECT for a cold, rainy Fall day :0)

Anyway, then I was faced with a dilemma. In order to start piecing some blocks together, I needed table space. However, Derek's Storm at Sea final square-in-a-square sashing blocks (errr.....PIECES of those blocks) were taking up the space. SO...I buckled down, took a deep breath, and just FINISHED piecing those buggers! Yeah---at least they are done now. They really were beginning to be a major guilt-trip on my mind everytime I went downstairs this week. I just didn't have the heart to plow through them though. Anyway, so pictured here are the two blocks needed for Out of this World and Storm at Sea sashing squares.

Naturally, since I finished all the blocks for Derek's (Storm at Sea)quilt, I might as well lay them out on the floor so that THAT space can be freed up for Andre's (Out of this World)quilt. I sewed two rows together, and said...."Nope---I'm done!" They aren't that fun to piece----uh-oh! BUT...soon....I'll have to get them sewn----I need that floor space!!!

Finally, before coming upstairs to make supper, I whipped out one quick block for Andre's quilt. I've made this pattern before for my nephew, Zach's quilt. I think the colors chosen this time will once again be perfect for a 13 year old boy :0)

Supper is almost ready----Meatloaf and fried potatoes. I'm so hungry!!!
It's almost 6:00----holy buckets! Where did the day go??? *grin*

I hope to head back down later tonight once the girls are in bed. My parents are up for the night, and I don't think they'll be offended if I head off to my "quiet" space :0)


  1. Not a bad day at all. Can't wait to see the cathedral stars start to come together. The colors are fabulous! I don't know how you are going to get it all finished, but if anyone can do it, it's you. I didn't hear anything in the play-by-play about a run -- enjoy the taper.

  2. You must have been faster than the speed of light today. You really got a lot done. Lots of red, white and blue,and very good looking.

  3. Amy,
    Good Job! Lots done.I don't know if this will help but, I bought a Zig Zag rotary blades for my rotary cutter.Before I wash fabrics,I trim raw edges with it.This saves me from having that pile of stringy things.In my mind,I am also saving fabric. The blade last a long time because this is the only time I use it.

  4. You have some beautiful quilts going on right now. Love that star.
