
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Parent Teacher Conferences tonight

Hi all---I have 15 minutes before P/T conferences, so I thought I'd peek in quick and touch base.

Wednesday already: WOW!-----Monday night I was swamped with papers to grade and to get grades UPDATED before tonight's conferences. I think I snuck downstairs for an hour to work some more on Derek's Storm at Sea, but I made the mistake of turning on the end of "Walk the Line," and I found myself watching the screen more than I was watching the sewing machine and fabric! YIKES!

Last night (Tuesday), I actually did NOT have any school work, but instead of sewing, I made it a night of "Mommy baking fun foods" time. Cassie had a Kid's cookbook from the school Library, and she already had a page bookmarked for "Domino Cookies."

DUH ME! I didn't take ANY pics of the baking experience, but the cookies were a HIT with her class today. I also sent some along with Candace to daycare, and they were a hit there as well.

Basically, they are sugar cookies cut into small rectangles, about the size of a domino. Then, choc chips are placed UP-SIDE DOWN on the cookies to resemble the dots on the dominos. And OF COURSE, some people THINK I can be super-mom----but PSHT! I DID NOT make the sugar cookies from scratch! No-no-------it's called: "going to the grocery store and buying the Pillsbury pre-made refrigerated sugar cookie dough." :0) Then Cass had fun rolling out the dough and we practiced our measurement skills to cut the cookies as close to 1.5" x 2.5" as possible. She, Caitlyn and Candace all decorated the cookies into Domino fashion. It was quite an easy "craft." The "line" on the domino was created by simply scoring the cookie with a dull knife or a butter knife.

I hope to get some sewing in tomorrow night. Friday I will be home nursing DH----he has a minor "surgery" planned, so I might have some sewing time then also. I will be heading to my parent's house this weekend with the girls to watch my nephew play Football and to also see G'ma and G'pa Lee (they haven't seen them in awhile).

Alright-----5 min to go----last minute room tidying up :0)

Happy Wednesday


  1. Gotta love those parent conferences. The meetings are never the hard part, it's always getting up and coming in the next day that makes it seem like you never left.

  2. Our parent conferences are all scheduled during our planning period. Which means we hardly ever get a planning period.

  3. You are a super-mom! You make the time :) Whether it is homemade or not doesn't matter! Every second in a child's life counts!
    Will say a prayer for DH and for you. Hopefully you get some You time at some point! :)

  4. I became famous for worms in dirt cake. Its not healthy but, still requested. (the girls are in high school) Just a warning, this may happen with your domino cookies.Semi homemade is not a bad thing.I hope all is well with your hubby and you get some time downstairs.
