
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I love you Angela!!!

Angela (SoScrappy) has dagone saved my life!!! Seriously----PRIOR to her tutorial, my binding corners looked like that hacked-up-need-to-fix-with-additional-binding that you see pictured on the right. But NOW-------v'iola! Her tutorial made my corners a BREEEEEZE! (see red corner on left). I have yet to sew the binding to the back, but.......THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

In fact, I was SOOOOOO excited at how easy the binding was, that I needed to come up with another project FAST so I could practice again! So, naturally when a lady has an ENTIRE DAY OFF, and a handful of C'mas deadline quilts on her hands, she would work towards finishing one of them. But...........sometimes I wonder if I'm a bit beyond crazy!!!

So, what does one "beyond crazy lady" decide to do?????

8:30 am: Pull out some scraps (left over from the new C'mas stockings this year that my mother made)

8:45 am: Cut into 4.5" charms

10:00 am: Piece together

12:30 pm: Throw on some borders

12:50 pm: Sandwich and baste (using a blanket that was a $.10 garage sale find from this summer)

1:25 pm: Quilt with simple lines, using a decorative stitch

2:15 pm: Practice Angela's binding method again

2:30 pm: And v'iola! Finished (well, almost) QUILT IN A DAY!

What great, silly fabrics some of them were! I'm dying to know whose stocking the C'mas animals belong to!!! How funny!!!!!!

Okay, I know this was a short post, but I really need to fly the coop! I'm off to my parent's house, with hand-sewing projects in tow, but first I have to run to the bank and then pick up the girls from Daycare.


Happy Thanksgiving


  1. A zillion quilts on your list to finish before Christmas, and you decide to start a new one? I love the Christmas fabrics -- totally fun! I am so glad you got the corners to work. How awesome! I love the stack of quilts, they look so happy and warm.

  2. That is a cute quilt! I have some of that green Christmas animal fabric too! I bought it to make our Chihuahua a stocking. Too funny.
