
Friday, January 2, 2009

Grrrrrrrr!!!! WHO is the math teacher?

Argh! I need a TIMEOUT! Good thing it's time for lunch so I had a reason to leave the machine!

The morning was running smoothly ONCE I finally logged off and got to work. The girls were preoccupied with cartoons when I headed downstairs, so I was able to piece all sections together AND fill in the missing quilted sections all rather quickly. Moving to the borders, I started doing the math calculations......
the center was measuring JUST over 74", so I figured 74" as the finished center. Since each of the 4-patch pieces are 3", I figured 25 per side (25 x 3" = 75"), and a black corner stone to finish it off. So, since each side needed to be 75", I cut 1.5" strips so I could have my 1 inch border needed.........

The first border strips were being put on when Candace decided to join me, playing "TENT" with the quilt under the table. A while later with all borders on (and the girls getting a bit antsy), I put Candace and Cassie to work. Cassie had the job of stacking the 4-patches into piles of 25 to see how many more I needed to piece. Would you believe that I had EXACTLY 100 4-patches??? The exact amount I needed......HA! Unbelievable!

Cassie helped me lay them out to make sure they were "randomly" placed without duplicate colors next to each other. As she completed the first side's layout, I took them to the machine while she worked on the others......

lalalalala.....give or take----15 minutes later I was laying them along the edges of the quilt....


*scratching head*...

WHY are they NOT fitting?!?!?!?! I'm about 2" inches OFF?!?!? Huh???? go back and reread.....
the center was measuring JUST over 74", so I figured 74" as the finished center. Since each of the 4-patch pieces are 3", I figured 25 per side (25 x 3" = 75"), and a black corner stone to finish it off. So, since each side needed to be 75", I cut 1.5" strips so I could have my 1 inch border needed.........

Do YOU see my mistake!?!?!!?!?
Once it finally sunk in to my head WHAT I did!?!!?! UGH! I only needed 1 inch TOTAL as "inner border", which means I SHOULD have divided that amount in half to be EACH side border! GOSH!
However, knowing now what those measurements needed to be, I would NOT have made a border that

I'll "fix" it up by adding (or removing?) whatever amount I need in 4-patches........AFTER lunch and AFTER I've simmered down....

*shaking head*...

Live, sew, and learn........


  1. If YOU make a math mistake on a quilt, then I don't feel so bad about the many, many that I make. LOL.

  2. It's Christmas break......... are we supposed to think? The kids don't... why should we???? LOL

  3. I always have trouble with that math. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
