
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Now-n-Forever; DoubleDelight; Seven Shirts & Seven Steps

I added TWO new projects to my WIP list this past weekend.........

The first blocks for the Now-n-Forever that is being shared by Beth Ferrier as a BOM. I am bound to ONLY use my stash without purchasing any fabric.

I started digging through my shirt piles to find the requirements for Nancy's (Life is a Stitch) Seven Shirts & Seven Steps mystery. I'm so glad those shirts are finally finding a project, which is the MAIN reason I'm jumping on board with this mystery! In fact, that "grey" shirt still folded in the pic was just added to the pile last week when DH cleared his closet. I'm excited to see what this mystery will bring.

Finally, I did get Steps 1 & 2 pieced in the DoubleDelight mystery and am planning on taking them to tomorrow night's quilting class in hopes of trimming some of them down while the ladies are sewing on their bindings. I can honestly say I WISH I had some time to work on the DD this week---I would LOVE to have Angela's jaw drop when she returns from her vacation and see a near completed quilt top, but....that just isn't going to happen. I worked the BB game tonight; quilting class tomorrow night, another BB game Thursday night. Friday will be the first chance I have to get back into the sewing room.

Ah well....
Happy Tuesday!


  1. I'm avoiding the Double Delight quilt - but I have picked out fabric for it....just got to find time...sigh. Love the Seven Shirts mystery. Do I need another project? - no way. Will I do it - probably....roflmol. How do you find all these little treasures? I'm so impressed. Thanks for adding to my list of quilts to make...vbg.

  2. Hi, Amy. Your quilt will be so beautiful.

  3. I just love the 7 shirts and seven steps mystery! If I hadn't just managed to clear all of the shirt scraps out of my bins, I'd probably play along. For now, I'll just watch yours and decide later.
    So glad you are diving in to the double delight (finally!) It is a beautiful quilt and it would be a shame to let it slip away. Glad you didn't finish while I was gone though, it's much more fun to see the progress.
