
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Satisfying Sunday - Double Delights

After a morning of laundry and tidying up, it was finally time to head downstairs to put some time into the Double Delight. I hadn't cut into any of the pink yet, and I knew my supplies were limited. SO, rather than slicing up the 1.5" inches right away for the Nine patches, I jumped ahead to cut the setting triangles first (step 6, I think?). The remaining fabric was then cut into the 1.5" strips. 130 nine-patches complete.

I really don't know what the time frame was today; DH called me up around 1:00 for lunch and shortly there-after, I headed back down with his permission.

Around 4:00, I headed upstairs to start dinner, at which time I had completed about 4 or 5 of the step 4 blocks. Around 7:45, I was back downstairs to work on some more blocks. THEN, just like Andee, I had to whip up some Double Nine blocks so I could see what the quilt was looking like. Feeling motivated from the layout being on the floor, I headed back to the machine for some power-sewing of the Double Nine blocks......

........and this is where the remaining 17 blocks currently stand. I could have powered through the last 34 seams, BUT I wanted to be sure to blog my updates and I didn't want to prolong bedtime TOO MUCH tonight. See, Andee----that hour I lost last night SURE could have come in handy today! *wink*

As everyone else has said who has made this quilt----It is beautiful and exciting to see it come together. It is amazing how many pieces this quilt has, yet part-by-part, it is manageable.

Candace grabbed my camera this afternoon and went off a-runnin', snappin' pictures again. There were a few cute ones, but many more "delete-able" ones. And once again, Carol, she snapped a picture of the entire wall-hanging this time. She must like it :0)


  1. Double delight is coming along nicely. I am feeling better that you didn't polish it all off in a day. This time change is confusing everyone in my house as well -- it should be fun to try to get them all up and moving in the morning. Just think of what we all could have gotten done with that missing hour....

  2. Amy, I really like your color combinations on your DD. I'm not much for the kinds of colors that Bonnie used, so although I printed out the instructions for use, I haven't really been very excited about it. But your color choices are great!
    Looks like you got a lot done this weekend.

  3. Looking great Amy! Well done. Mine is in just about the same state of "finished" that yours is in. I'm hoping to finish it soon. I, also, love that wall hanging.

  4. DD is so pretty. I might have to make one myself one of these days.

  5. I just love the DD Quilt in pinks, they are my favorite! It was one quilt that seemed to take me forever to piece. Now it just sits and waits it turn to be quilted. You daughter is quilt the photographer, she makes that wallhanging look really good! :D

  6. Holy cow it is coming along and looking good. Once you hit this part it is pretty exciting to keep on going! I want to do the cool borders, but suspect by the time I get there I will just go for plain old borders...will have to see what you come up!
