
Monday, March 16, 2009

Some quick work...

I didn't get any quilting done last night, at least not with the sewing machine. Instead, I grabbed the markers and graph paper and started planning a quilt top for the next "Advanced Beginner" quilting class that I'll be offering during the month of May. Some of my ladies from the Beginners class has shown interest in the "next" class, so......

But tonight, I did head downstairs for two hours. During which time, I finished putting together all the pink double-nine blocks.....

......and sewed together 15 more March blocks, which now brings me to a total of 20.

I am now upstairs watching "Castle."

Boy----I have a lot of projects on that WIP and UFO list! AND, this new class is right on the horizon, so I'll have to put some time into that this weekend.....

One day at a time :0) I can't really say One project at a time, though!!!! :0)

Happy Monday


  1. Both are looking good. I am debating still on doing the March quilt as a baby quilt or two...have some green fats now and reprinted your directions now that I have printing your photo too! THANKS looking great!

  2. Your March quilt is looking great and I love the DD too. I'm having to take a break from quilting for a while - but I think you're doing enough for the two of us!

  3. Oh godess of multitasking! The DD is looking great. Still love the colors on the March quilt. When are we going to see a finish? Just kidding --. What do you have in mind for the part 2 project?

  4. Those are going to be two 'beautiful' quilts. You just keep keeping on and turning out awesome quilts.
