
Monday, May 4, 2009

No title fits this post :0)

First, I need to forewarn those of you who ONLY think this is a quilting blog (due to comment left a few days ago)----
Yes, this is primarily a quilting blog, but the title is called "Amy's PassionS" (plural). Running and my family are also important passions in my life, so beware as you read........

The weekend at the Farm was relaxing; a little bit of grading accomplished, three quilts completely checked off the list by sewing on the Back connnector-strip (Double Delight for Nikki's Graduation, Chloe's Colors to be gifted to Chloe at the end of the month, Steppin' Out just for me for now and to be used as a class demo.) I also started clipping seam allowances on two baby rag quilts that I whipped out last weekend-----oh yeah, I haven't blogged about them yet. Pics to come once I finish them up. They will be given to my mother's church as donations to the Baptismal chests. (Cute adorable cedar chests that are given to families when babies are baptised----ADORABLE! We have three; one for each of the girls; PERFECT way to collect memorabilia through the years).

I sewed up another Rolling Rock block last night; 2 down, 11 more to go. Then (Yes, Angela--to answer your question:) somehow they get appliqued to backing fabric, add some sashing, borders...and just like that (**snapping fingers**), you have a finished quilt. PSHT! Yea, if only it were that easy! IF it was, then it wouldn't currently be considered a UFO, huh?????

It's going to be quiet from me for a while; I have Parent-Teacher conferences tomorrow evening, then will be heading out of town for a Math Convention Wednesday - Friday.

We (family) have ambitions of working on prepping the garden this weekend and planting a few things. The "big" weekend for planting this far North is Memorial Weekend, BUT there are a few things that are safe to plant since they are cooler-weather plants (ie: potatoes, onions, sweet corn, to name a few). Calidore had asked how big our garden was since DH used a tractor to till it up.....'s big enough to bring in the heavy machinery in the Spring rather than hand-tilling for hours and hours and hours. Does that satisfy your question Calidore? **chuckle** Golly, I don't know. Estimating........ 30 meters x 10 meters (Americans, guesstimate the equivalency by substituting a yard for a meter -- ALMOST the same size). Then we (DH) also tilled up a new "plot" this past week so we can plant LOTS and LOTS of sweet corn. That section is currently about the same size as our entire garden, and it's solely going to be corn. (I don't know if DH plans to make it bigger.) We live on 10 acres (4 wooded), so we have the land to play around with. Rather than having a HUGE lawn, it's nice to have some produce being produced by our own sweat (cheesy grin at the 'ol timers talk). Yup---it's official, I now talk like my father when it comes to taking pride in what we can create with a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears.....

Okay folks---DH wants my assistance at the kitchen table cutting up some potatoes.......
Happy Monday and have a great week!


  1. Gosh, you're going to have to work hard to fill up all that space. I've been planting like mad in my vegetable patch, and getting some things going in the greenhouse too. It's just the best part of the day to get out there in the morning and see what's poking up - and whether the slugs have eaten anything more! I was tempted by sweetcorn, but you do need a larger space than I have. Have a great week.

  2. How nice to get a cedar chest and quilt after a baptism! Very giving of you!!

  3. I LOVE your posts, all of them, certainly not just the quilty ones. I know my blog is MINE and if I want to talk about family or work, then that is what I do!

  4. Talk about what you want on your blog - after all it's yours. If the commenter doesn't like it then they don't have to read it. Yes you have answered my question as to the size of your vegie garden. Mine too was that big once but I have seriously scaled down - not enough time or water. We have 2 acres of land - and that's more than enough for us - as it is it takes all our time to care for it. You are achieving heaps - have fun while doing it.
