
Saturday, May 30, 2009

What day is it???

I figured I had better at least stop in for a quick hello out to the blogging world!

Volleyball is all finally at ease---and I'm looking forward to the first couple of practices to prepare for the summer HS league.

School is on the wind-down stage with reviews planned on Monday, Reward Day of roller-skating on Tuesday, finals on Wednesday, and a wrap-up movie on Thursday. Friday is the last day for kids with dismissal at noon, and staff check-out begins at 1:00. I have no intentions of being able to leave much before I need to pick up the girls from daycare by 4:00---in fact, I expect to come back to the classroom after picking them up. My room needs to be completely spotless and picked up because it is scheduled for new carpeting right away the following Monday. Yah and ugh at the same time.

Quilting has been completely NOT in my life for the past three weeks! Any and all free-time has been taken over by the garden; planting it, prepping it, watering it, etc.

Yesterday at 4:15 pm, I recieved a call from my MIL which then prompted me into a last-minute decision of taking the girls up to the farm. By 8:00, we were rolling into the driveway. BOTH sets of grandparents are up here right now since my parents were taking a some vacation time to travel in the northern parts of the state. So...MIL and I are actually tracing and cutting out pieces for the Double Wedding Ring we are teaming up to make for the family friend getting married at the beginning of August. This is the first my hands have touched fabric in weeks!!!

So---there ya go folks. I am predicting you won't hear much from me again over the next week; but I know you will all be okay with that.

The end is near, but to be honest, I really am not counting the days. Sadly, I sat and looked at the calendar for the summer schedule, and THIS SUMMER is truly almost, gone before it starts! So much on the calendar this summer! Summer school, VBS, Volleyball league, races, time with family, three weeks of professional development, and "school-mode" starts back up for me by the 2nd week of August!


all is good though...
the sun is shining
family is healthy

Happy Saturday


  1. Big sigh. Looks like no idyllic days of summer while sewing the day away for you. The nice thing about your fabric is that is doesn't mind waiting. The garden will wilt, the children will come and find you, the house will somehow fall apart before your eyes, but your projects will still be waiting patiently when you find time again. Have fun with the end of the year activities, it sounds like that may be as close to relaxation as you are going to get for a while.

  2. Isn't it crazy that summer vacation is almost over before it even starts!! I hear ya on that one!! Hopefully, you'll get some time to sew. Sounds like you're doing all fun things though!

  3. Isn't it ironic that life always gets so hectic just at that time of year when it would be good to have time to just 'be'.

  4. We'll all still be here when life slows down a bit for you! Take care and remember to breathe!

  5. Isn't it amazing how busy we get at the end of the school year? I just finished my plans for the last two weeks. What to do that sounds like it has merit knowing that grades have to be in by a certain date and I don't want to be frantically grading......... UGH!!!

    Have a good one!

  6. Sounds like you needed to touch the fabrics again... hope you enjoyed yourself. Hug the kiddos!

  7. Glad to know you're doing okay. We've been really busy, too. I haven't blogged in a week, although I took some pics this morning that I'll upload tonight. Have fun your last week of school!
