
Thursday, June 11, 2009

I do declare....


Whew--there, now that I have declared it publicly, I WILL, WILL, WILL get my butt motivated and get going! My latest Runner's World magazine came yesterday and got me a little pumped. There were 2 articles (training programs, actually) that caught my attention; one was for your First or Fastest 5K, and the second was a training program for a Marathon.

The 5K article inspired me because on July 11th, I will be running on the course that I currently have my PR on (25:05) and it sure would be nice to break that before I get too old. HOWEVER, I am also sane enough to know that I went into that race (back in 2003) in EXCELLENT condition, so chances of me beating my PR are pretty slim.

The Marathon article inspired me because it was set up by Bart Yasso, an amazingly talented runner. But also, Amby Burfoot is joining in the "challenge"--he has a run/walk method where you run a mile, then walk a minute before running the next mile, etc.

Linda (Lines and Loves) has joined the blogging world this week and has been busily catching us up on some of her recent projects. Linda was a "student" of mine for Class Act, and she has dived head-first into "obsessive quilting" like many of us have done at one time or another. Kindly head over to her blog if you have a moment and drop her a line :0)

The weather is a bit gloomy out right now; maybe I'll head downstairs, even though this is perfect weather to head out and get some gardening done (cool temps, no wind, no hot sun). Nahhh....... I'm more of a SUNNY gardener! Downstairs it is!

Happy Thursday

Oh more thing. It won't be a Happy Thursday for me!! Eww, ickky.....DENTIST TODAY! Ugh, ugh, ugh! I have one tooth that started hurting last week; in I went for a check up on Monday; in I go today to drill out some silver fillings and prep for a Crown. UGH!!! I SERIOUSLY DO NOT LIKE the dentist!!! I'd rather be tarred and feathered!


  1. I'm with ya about the dentist! I'd sooner have my arm removed! Ughhhhh! I'll be thinking of you!

  2. Good luck on your training! I am training for my first 5K in 20 years - talk about painful! At age 60, I'm just hoping to run it in about 30 minutes. I used to run 5K's in the 23 minute range, but that was back in the 1980's.
    Linda in Southern Illinois

  3. I just left a comment on Karen's (Log Cabin Quilter) blog. She'd just been to the dentist and I was wondering how anyone can bear to become a dentist, with so many people who absolutely hate to visit you and hate what you do to them. My sympathies.

  4. Yea! So glad you are starting your training. After such a public declaration of your intentions, you don't dare slack off now. I did my last marathon on the run a mile walk a minute system and set a new PR. I think it is a great way to go. Hope the dentist goes well, hopefully you caught it before the crown turns into a root canal. Can you imagine what kind of shape our mouths would all be in if not for dentists? As unpleasant as it is, consider the alternative.

  5. Linda'sLinesandLovesJune 11, 2009 at 6:44 PM

    I hope your trip to the dentist wasn't too bad! I take all the "relaxing air" they will give me!!

    I am going to do it! My first Mystery Quilt. I have a question for your blog family. Since I am a new quilter I don't have an extensive stash. I will need to purchase some/most of the fabric. Should I pick up coordinating fabrics or mix and match so it looks "scrappy"?

    Thank you!!
