
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

TEMPTATION! I-could-not-resist!

Oh dear....oh dear. Pay NO attention to how many UFO's and WIP's I have listed on my side-bar!
Today in the mail, my Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting magazine came, and the quilt on the cover chanted to me while I strolled back to the house, sifting through the pages----"make me! make me! make me!" Now, who am *I* to ignore a whimpering call like THAT?!?!?!? It was seriously 15 minutes after walking into the house, and I was downstairs, shoving aside all the
Perkiomen Daydreams strip-sets I had been dutifully working on earlier today (and was clippin' along SO WELL!!!!) I mean....LOOK! There are an additional 100 blocks in the making right here.........*sigh*

But, nope....I dug into the stash and found EVERYTHING I need to make this quilt. So, a cut, cut, cutting I went, right up until the moment I needed to dash out the door for volleyball tonight. I am PUMPED to jump right in tomorrow morning after taking the girls to summer school, and after running 4 miles with Candace (in the joggin' stroller). I LOVE this quilt and am glad I have finally found the perfect pattern to use of the stash of 30's Reproduction frabrics I've been saving up. The name of the quilt in the mag is Grandma's Stars, but mine will most likely be called Candace's Stars, since I think this one will be made for her. She is the only one who hasn't had a quilt made from Mom yet.....

I am not feeling TOO guilty at diving into a new project, because even though I have a ba-zillion other projects going on, I HAVE been quilt-busy the past couple of days....

The Double Wedding Ring wall-hanging I'm making for the family friend is as complete as it'll get from me. It is ready to be handed over to the father of the groom for a custom frame to be made for it.

Also, I have been working on some PIF projects. Naturally, I don't want to show the entire projects, but here's a sneaky-peek :0)

HAPPY Wednesday!


  1. At least you are working on your quilts! I have been doing everything but for some reason this last week or two! Hmmm a PIF, I have one of those to go myself! No idea what to do for the last one!

  2. You're quite bonkers!!! It is a pretty quilt though, and at least you didn't have to go out and buy new fabric. A jogging stroller sounds very fancy and organised. Your PIF picture is too much of a tease, I couldn't work anything out from it! Mine are just about ready to go now I think, which is quite satisfying.

  3. Your fabrics are perfect for the quilt. I saw the same quilt and thought it looked like an "Amy Project!"

    New question!! What is PIF project? It is not listed in your definitions!

  4. I had the exact same reaction to the quilt on the cover of Love of Quilting. I turned immediately to the directions for it and then went to my sewing room to pull fabric. Instead of using 30's fabric, which I don't have, I'm going to use some of my recycled shirts. I think the shirts will work out beautifully in this quilt.
    Linda in Southern Illinois

  5. I got the same magazine and thought the same thing (I wonder how many other woman around the country are already cutting and sewing). However, I haven't done anything else about it as I'm still finishing my Spring Blossom Mini quilt swap project. It HAS to go in the mail on Saturday. Yesterday I was in Bonnie's class in IL and so that's going to be my next main project (after the swap item is done).

  6. Love the quilt, but I resisted when I received my magazine. I am sticking to finishing old projects, even though I started making little baskets and 9 patches. LOL I will be watching your progress and see if I can still resist!

  7. You little Overachiever, YOU! Have a great weekend. I love your DWR wallhanging. Regina

  8. Wow, I was only gone for a few days -- look what you got done! The DWR looks fabulous. It is one of my all time favorite patterns. I'm sure it will only be a matter of days before you finish of your new project. I can see why it called to you.
