
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Baldwin BoosterShot 5K

The weather was as perfect as it can come for today's Baldwin Booster Shot 5K run. Julie and I met up around 7:30 am, and race started at 8:15.

WE TOOK OUR TIME :0) Coming in at 32:10 (around 10:22/mile). I hadn't realized how much of a rolling course this actually is (PROBABLY because normally I head to this race in shape, and those rollers aren't much of anything then.) We finished smiling, and enjoyed a little catch-up time during the run.

We also chit-chatted about our racing schedule and goals over the next 8 weeks until we meet up again for the annual Paavo Nurmi Marathon-relay (August 8). There was paperwork at today's run for some upcoming "local" races, and we may decide on one or more of these: (just making note for my future reference)

Lumber Jack Days (10 mi, 5K) - July 26
14th Apple River Walk/Run (10K, 5K, 2 mi) - August 1 (contact: Dave Belisle 247-5995)

While uploading pics to the computer tonight, I found this gem! Dear Candace (#3) must have snapped it when I was weeding the other day.

Okay---game plan tomorrow: start the day off RIGHT with a 2-4 mile run (all depending how I'm feeling, but I should start packing on some EZ miles, so I'll shoot for 4.) THEN, I don't think I will work outside (although DH might persuade me to head out), but I'd really like to see a finish to SOMETHING, so maybe I'll pull my Shades of Green (formerly known as Marching Greens) out to prep for quilting.


  1. WTG Amy! I'm planning to do a 5K NEXT May, mission is to run it, not walk it. I'm starting the Women's Health running plan on Monday.
    Also LOVE your shades of green. I have more green fabric in my inventory (I prefer that to "stash") than any other fabric. Will look forward to seeing this one done.

  2. Well done on getting round in a 'respectable' time - here's hoping you don't suffer too much tomorrow. I'm afraid I winced when I saw the picture of you weeding and the thought 'bend your knees' loomed large! Still, you're young enough to still have an elastic back.

  3. Way to go girl! I am still trying to work on my goal of GETTING ON the treadmill. Seems the starting is the hardest part, looking at how fit you are is motivating though! Keep it up!

  4. Glad you got out there and got it done. Best of all, you won't be sore from overdoing. You guys both look great in the "before" picture. I hope you were still as happy looking "after". Shades of green is looking lovely. How are you going to quilt it? I'm trying the quilting in sections thing on my sock monkeys, how wide do you cut your connecting strips?
