
Sunday, January 31, 2010

2010 BOM - February posted

Hiya BOM ladies!
Okay, trying something different.
"back in the day", I had an internet site that I used for my family and quilting 'stuff'. Sadly, the company that hosted my "home" closed their doors, and I hadn't found a replacement.

Knowing I needed to offer a downloadable file for February, I started scoping the net for a new home for the website. I found, and so far am "satisfied" with it (not completely in love yet!) I signed up for the FREE version to try it out; I have a feeling I'll cough up the bucks for the upgrade because the ads on the pages are a bit annoying, and I'll run out of disk space awfully soon!

Anyway, here are the links that'll lead you to my February BOM's.

February - Blackford's Beauty

February - Mosaic Star

February - Florida's Key West

(This list is also linked on the side bar)

For now, PLEASE forgive the annoying ads at the top of the pages and the "blandness" of the pages. I don't have my design software loaded on my new laptop yet, and the software is at school. I'll need to get it installed before the pages can get a facelift. But, for those of you antsy, I'm sure you'll have no problem with the blandness! :0) My plans for the facelift: better layout and bigger photos. Deadline: end of this week (2/5/10). For those of you starting right away, have no fear; directions will not change, nor will page URL's change. Goal achieved! 2/5/10 updates have been made :0)

A little story about the third block:
this choice really had two inspirations. When I inherited my Grandmother's stash, I came across a set of blocks already made and a faded sheet of paper with what appeared to be a secret code written on it. Days later, I found this stack of WorkBasket magazines, and suddenly the code made sense. The WB mag. shared a "state BOM" each month from 1985-87; she had the entire set and had started making a sampler quilt. I took over where she left off, and .....'s still sitting as a "Special UFO" that may never see a finish???
Okay, that's the first part; the second part was----"Wouldn't it be cool to share a pattern each month of states of where the BOM followers live???" I know not all of the participants live in the States, but for those that do, I'm thinking that's the game plan??? I'm not picking favorites, but the reason Florida is first is simple: Angela (soscrappy, who lives in Florida) was my first blog-buddy!

I don't know where all of you live, so when you comment today, share the state you live in!!! :0) Oh, I'll admit, if you live in Hawaii, oh dear! That will just plain "stink!" I don't have the magazine handy to take a pic of the pattern, but---WAY too much applique!!! LOL

Alright---time to get downstairs. Don't be bashful to leave comments, opinions, questions. I really don't know if I left anything out or if things are unclear.

Happy Sunday


  1. Well.. I do live in Hawaii, but that is ok.... I appreciate the thought.

  2. This looks scary, it might take me all month to work out one, lol.

  3. Miss 376 (aka: Loopy Lou; aka: Jane) :0)

    One step at a time.
    One block at a time.
    And I can't wait to see your success!

    I would suggest doing them in the order listed; they increase in "complexity (?)" from one to another :0)


  4. Florida, also. When you're green your growing, when you're green your growing. Great blocks, no ripe and rotten here, I may learn something in spite of myself. Thanks for the new blocks and the story, it makes it that much more fun.

  5. Amy, great blocks. I love Blackford Beauty. It is one of my favorite blocks...Great story too. I have a collection of Workbaskets and have looked at the states blocks before. I wonder how many women did all of them? I'm from the great state of Texas. I'm thinking Yellow Rose or Lone Star but I might be way off. Thanks for posting early. You knew how excited we were about your BOM....hugs, Linda

  6. As you know I am in Arizona...thanks for the new blocks..will add that to my to do list for February! They look great and that third one looks challenging!

  7. Great idea. I'm in Idaho let's hope it's not a potato.

  8. Yay!! I'm so happy to see the Florida block. I will sneak up on that one though, templates! Oh my. It is a pretty one though, I'm sure it will be worth it.

  9. Hello Amy, we have a problem...LOL what about Australia????? a learning curve for me and thank you...Warm Regards Lyn

  10. I live in Ontario Canada!
    These blocks look like fun...I only got 2 of the blocks from last month, and we'll see how I do for February!
    Thanks Amy!
