
Monday, January 11, 2010

Ah! Another week gone - Stash Report - more Pineapples

First---grrrrrrrrr! No pictures tonight! Anyone know how to "save" a disk? Here's what happened----in a HASTE move, I yanked the SD card from it's computer slot without properly "ejecting" it. The "warning" window came up reminding me to properly eject devices, blah, blah, blah.... Well....grrrrrrrrr! Now when I insert the SD card, it doesn't appear on my computer! Good thing I'm "in" with our tech guy at school because this baby is getting into his hands tomorrow for rescuing.

Second---when weekends are spent away, the week sure flies by without a moment of 'down-time' and Mondays come WAY too fast!! We are supposed to be out-n-about again this upcoming weekend, BUT I've already told Paul that plans will be changing! I want a quiet, calm weekend at home; afterall NEXT weekend, we will be gone again. UGH! Besides, Angela (Soscrappy) found this Quiltathon for this weekend, and it sounds HEAVENLY! I haven't had a FULL obsessive quilting weekend in MONTHS!!!

Thirdly; more Red/Black/White pineapple swap blocks, partially completed are down on my quilting table. I was able to find some more black-on-blacks and red-on-reds, but still was NOT a piece of cake. I will think twice before signing up for another BOB or ROR quilt! Golly-I can imagine the same would be for Blue on Blue and Green on Green too????

Finally, stash report update: January 4 - 10
Used this week: 3.125 yards
Purchased this week: 7 yards (all those blasted reds and blacks!!! They WILL get used up THIS week!!!)
Used-to-date 2010: 11.625 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 9 yards
Net used: 2.625 yards (still ahead of the game!!!)

We had C'mas at my parent's this past weekend (VERY FUN, but complete chaos!) This is the "big" Christmas. LOTS of goodies; 10 yards of Warm-n-Natural cotton batting (90" wide), rotary blades, FQ's, a new WIDE ironing board.....DH got LOADS of cooking and baking supplies, including a Wine-making kit; the kids.....holy buckets! Don't ask me to account for everything they got! The "family gift" was a Wii system with Wii Fit and Wii Sports (DH is hooking it up as I type)... A lovely weekend! But I'm excited and HOPING I can safely back away from "tentative" plans for this weekend to just stay at home and relax; stay in jammies all day and QUILT!

Happy Monday

OH! And I got the movie "Julie & Julia" (Julia Child story). DH and I watched it last night---fun movie :0)

OH! GOSH! That reminds me---yet another add-on:
DH and I had our first DATE in like.....forever!!! We went to see Avatar last Thursday. Sadly our theatre didn't have the 3D version, but still.....
One word: Beautiful!
I agree with some of the reviews that the story line wasn't anything spectacular, but the effects and colors and creatures.....AMAZING artistry!!!!


  1. I'm sure the swap blocks will be well worth the agony of finding all the fabrics. It better be, right? It will be fun when all those blocks come in.
    Hoping you can do the marathon this weekend, do you have Monday off school?

  2. Hi Amy, thank you for accepting me as a player for the 2010 BOM...I enjoyed watching Julie and Julia ...Warm Regards Lyn

  3. I have such a large stash I don't know where to start measuring it all!! It could take me days!!!! Although it would be interesting to see just how much I do have! Perhaps someday I might bite the bullet and just measure everything I got!!

    Quiltingly Yours

  4. Good luck with your SD card...hope your tech guy is better than mine. Actually, if your tech guy is able to retrieve your data, I'd love to hear how. I lost a lot of photos when I did the same thing, pulled it out of the computer too soon and now it says it's empty. Waaaaaaa!
