
Saturday, January 2, 2010

yup, I KNEW I shouldn't have parked my butt....

...I was doing SO WELL on both Chunky Churndash and Snuggler; it was an afternoon of borders since that was all that was left for each quilt. One set of borders is on Snuggler with another to go, and the last set of borders for CC....well, the sides are on, and I got "distracted" amidst ironing the sides to put the final top/bottom borders on. Candace (DD #3) decided to touch the blasted iron just long enough, before I could catch her in the act, to do some damage on her hand. **((sigh))**. Drama ensued!

Ice, burn cream, bandaid, lots of hugs, and a snuggle in a quilt with a good movie to calm her down. But....she's learned (the hard way!) :0(

Then, it was time to put dinner in the oven (nothing fancy; keep your pantyhose on---just a simple cardboard pizza), but DH and I are going to have egg rolls! YES! LOVE homemade eggrolls!

Then, I parked my butt to check emails and catch up on any blog posts today. That brought me to Carol's post about "what's the block/quilt name?" ......
...and the next thing I knew ...! (for about 45 minutes!!!!)

At least DH was next to me---he and I enjoyed the search; him "ooohh" and "ahhhh"-ing. I also think I found another couple BOM ideas for the next 11 months....

OH!!! AND!!
Had intentions of getting to the quilt shop today to buy some fabs for the Block Swap as sewmanyswaps. IT - WAS - CLOSED!!!
GRRRRRRR!!!! And I wasn't about to drive another 30 miles with the hopes that another shop was open only to find it closed as well. So.....**sigh**.....the Pineapple blocks will have to wait until Monday evening!

Okay---off to help hubby make some eggrolls!
Happy Saturday night!


  1. So sorry to hear about the iron incident. I live in fear of someone bumping into a hot iron. That and hands in garbage disposals -- I worry about the strangest things I guess. Can't believe the quilt shop was closed -- I guess that is motivation to have a nice big stash.
    Waiting anxiously to see what your block search turned up for months to come. Still have the first three blocks on my list for very soon.

  2. Amy, sorry to hear about the iron..Ouch, I've grabbed the iron before not thinking about it being on so I know how much it hurts. I'd rather do it myself than a kid though...

    I worked on my challenge today but am planning to start your BOM on Monday or Tuesday. I decided to have the same background color and couldn't scrounge enough out of the, gotta make a trip to the LQS. What a bother, right? Have a great weekend...

  3. Oh, Amy! That's so hard when your child gets hurt. And burns...that's the worst. Hope it heals quickly.

  4. Amy, WOW! You sure have been busy while on vacation! I feel like I haven't gotten very much done while on my own vacation, but then, was away from my machine for over 2 weeks so I kinda had withdrawal.

    Your quilts look great and I can't wait to see what you're up to next. Have a great New Year.

  5. Poor Candace! But at least now she will believe you when you tell her something is HOT. I know we hate it when a little one has to learn a lesson the hard way. At least you got egg rolls!
