
Monday, February 22, 2010

a deep breath...

Sunday is over, and I've had a super good chuckle re-reading THAT post...
I 100% appreciate all the WONDERFUL pat-on-back and been-there-done-that comments; I must admit that I had some great giggles at some of those comments!!!

And, NO, the curtains have NOT defeated me! Tonight after school, I ran to the hardware store to pick up some rings, eyelet screws, nylon and mounting brackets for the curtains and shades. I don't think I'll work on them tonight; they may wait until later this week, or even this weekend.

Rather, I want to remain calm ( :0) ) and enjoy my time in front of the machine tonight. I haven't made any Paintbox blocks since Friday night, so I'm due for set #6, which will have me caught up in the Quiltalong. They are simple enough where I could easily sew up a set a night and be finished by the weekend. I also haven't quilted the Nicu quilts yet, so maybe one of those will see some stitches tonight.

Happy Monday :0)


  1. Maybe you could just hang quilts on the windows? Apparently those are easier to make.
