
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sat. morning update...

First----Paul caught me "studying" online the other night and snapped a picture. I didn't even realize it until I uploaded pics to the computer.... Anyone dare to guess what I was "studying" on YouTube??? ;0)

Last night, I pulled out my Shades of Green top that was started LAST March! I had intentions of finishing it by quilting it in sections, but .... that I'll have a frame (how far away is TUESDAY!?!?!?!), I pulled out the three sections and started piecing them together.
I needed to halt when getting to the borders, because I didn't have my original-planned border fabric anymore, so I needed to go shopping. {{yeah, Helper-Caitlyn couldn't resist posing}}

Since I needed fabrics for Black/Red Pineapple Blossoms and Steppin' Out and American Classic, and now Shades of Green, it was time to go shopping!!!

I choose THREE fabrics to use as a triple border for Shades of Green, bought some red for Pineapple Blossoms, some different "starry" red for American Classic,, an AMAZING fosil-fern (sp??) fabric for Steppin' Out, and OF COURSE....a few odds-n-ends in the form of FQ's ("shirtings" and some red/blues for the BOM). I also picked up some lovely double-pinks and pink paisley, in addition to a blue (reminds me of civil wars, but not quite sure since I've never really researched them)....And to finish it off, 10 yards of white (not pictured). I just LOVE LOVE LOVE quilts that use white in the background-----ANY color matches!

The only sewing I've accomplished so far is so put together a pillow for Cassie's horse latch-hook that she finished up last weekend. Simple pleasures..........she hasn't stopped hugging it.

So---we've had an early lunch and I'm back off to downstairs.
The house is a mess
Laundry is piled
Dishes are piled....

I sense a huge multi-task frenzy......but not now.

Maybe tomorrow?????


  1. Needing to shop is a sure sign that you are getting things done. I always assume that when you post pictures of a project in the progress that it gets finished up along the way. It's so funny when they pop up again later still waiting for the finishing touches. Shades of Green will look fabulous with the triple border. Good luck getting the house in decent enough shape that you can start neglecting it on Tuesday.

  2. Lovely to see you have passed on your creative talents to your daughters, it's a beautiful cushion. She is rightly proud of it

  3. I'm enjoying you and Angela getting your new machines and frames. I'm looking forward to seeing the results and your opinions as I 'could fit in a frame' if it was really a sure bet that I'd like it. It's so hard to know when you can't really give one a try, so opinions are important. I have my Juki, so I'm halfway there.

  4. Gee, let me guess what you are studying. Could it be something related to putting a frame together or maybe putting the fabric onto the frame to quilt? I would guess anything to that effect...Ah, almost completed tops! Getting to the border phase is lovely, isn't it? Now you get to play. Oh, I forgot, you're not a border person, huh? Maybe one of these days, you will be. Three fabrics for a border isn't a bad start though! Now, who cares what the house looks like as long as the kids are fed and happy (they certainly look happy!) and you can walk through to get to the quilting room...that's the priority right now. There's always time for housework. Your green quilt is lovely too. I can't wait to see all the finishes! Cassie did a great job on the pillow!!!Hugs, Linda

  5. Love the Shades of Green quilt and am excited to see how you quilt it. Congrats on the frame, you are going to love it!
    Congrats too to Cassie for a great project finish :D She definately is her mother's daughter!!
