
Friday, June 11, 2010

And the posts keep coming...Judy's June Mystery; Too Good to Cut & Buckeye Beauty sets

I headed downstairs around 6:30 after catching up on some blogs and plopped in Lara Croft-Tomb Raider. By the time the ending credits were rolling, I was pressing the final seams and trimming the last of the dog ears...
I felt MOST of my morning was spent trimming ... 72 HST's that needed to be trimmed to 3". UGH!
I really DO NOT LIKE TRIMMING------but I guess it is one of those very necessary evils!

And just to prove that I trimmed more than are the flying geese units, finished, with the trimmed dogears.

By this time, Candance had made her way downstairs, wiping the sleep from her eyes and wanting some breakfast. French-toast, little smokies, toast with jelly, cottage cheese and some Sunny Delight....and now we're ready for the day to take off...

And an update on Cassie's reading: she hasn't given me any titles to post on the blog yet, but that may be changing this morning when she finally makes an appearance. When I headed dowstairs, I noticed Cassie's bed-side light was on in her room. appears she fell asleep while reading last night; glasses still on the face....

11:30 AM Update
The Buckeye Beauty block units were trimmed up and pinned, ready for mailing...

And then I trimmed up the 15 blocks for my Too Good to Cut Challenge. Finally making some progress on that baby. Top is partially pieced, with the first border on...but now I'm checking out the site that gave me the directions because I'm not sure about the 2nd border. My print out seems to be missing something. The pattern is by Jennifer Chiaverini; using her Johanna's Collection line by RedRoosterFabrics (link will lead you directly to the pattern if you'd like). I am not using her line; merely her pattern. I have a feeling my quilt will be named "Moondance" due to the line of fabrics I am using.... to look and then make up some lunch.


  1. My eldest did that as a child. Now as an adult she still sleeps with her glasses on as does her youngest son at times. I can understand about the trimming-I hate that too.

  2. Trimming seems so time consuming, but I guess it is nice to have perfectly sized squares. I'm just done with my pinwheels and off to the ironing board. How do you go so fast?

  3. Cassie will love you for that picture when she's older! I have an album full of photographs of my two sons sleeping in strange positions and strange places which is great to dig out when I want to embarrass them!

  4. Your mystery blocks look great! Looks like you're doing 2 each of 9 fabrics? What colour is your medium and your dark?
