
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Chicken count...

For those of you not blessed with a life of late nights and early mornings, you may not have read up on my "interesting" evening last night.....

I just stepped outside with some old hotdog buns and called the chickens over. {{Yes, CALLED them over. My DH has most of our animals trained by call! A little kissy-kissy sound brings the chickens a-runnin' and a smackey-smacky-lip sound sends our pigs into a riot!}} The animals know---when they hear the sounds, FOODs-a-comin'!

missing at least 1; and I truly can't remember if we had 11 or 13. I'll have to touch-base with DH today (he's been out of town since Friday night) to find out. I guess I'm feeling a bit better, and will look around the property today to see if I can find any "sign" that Shadow was a naughty-naughty doggy!


  1. Better than it looked last night

  2. That is too funny that they have calls! lol

    Woo hoo on finding as many as you did!

  3. Only one missing isn't bad...unfortunately, they are not like dogs. They don't come back later with their tails between their legs.

    We had chickens when I was growing up and yes, they do come when called. They know you and your voice because you feed them. I had a pet chicken named Lucy and she came when I called even when the other chickens didn't. So, I do like to think they know you not just because you feed them.. I hope your dog isn't to blame for the missing chicken. Keep an eye on him, once they start eating chickens, they don't usually stop. (I hated to tell you this, so please forgive me.)
