
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Flooring update... (2:42 UPDATE!)

The pizza-dinger dinged with PERFECT timing! I was just finishing up the last wipes of the FIRST part of the grouting process. I would wager about 2/3 of the floor is grouted. Messy, putzing process!

When we arrived home from Cassie's dentist appointment, I made up a quick brunch of French Toast (BOY, I tell ya! If there was a way to ship eggs safely and quickly to y'all, I'd be saying SEND MY YOUR ADDYs!!! We have SOOOO many eggs!!!!). Shortly after, I gathered the supplies to continue the tiling project.

I gots'ta play with the tile cutter this morning. We borrowed this the other night from DH's boss-man. The last time boss-man said it was used was when I borrowed it to do the tile in the front lil' entry way. {{they don't do much tiling on their jobs}}

This was the final line of tile I needed to lay. :0( I ran out of blue tiles.....oh well! It IS WHAT IT IS! Chances are pretty high that this part of the floor will be covered by shelves and cupboards anyway.

Now----to head back down and finish 'er up, or wait until tomorrow??? I need to be ready to head out for Vball by's 1:30...took me about an hour to do the 2/3 of the grout........

why chance it? I'll clean up---finish it up tomorrow AM!

This way, I can get some sewing done ;0)

Git-r-done, right???
Yeah---well, when I headed back downstairs to "clean up stuff," that's exactly what I said...."just git 'r done Amy!!!"

One hour later....
left pan...
right pan...

I'm done. much begging do I need to do to DH to get the walls started???

And look! It's only 2:45! I STILL have an hour of sewing time!!! :0)

LOL...and just for Angela...
if you look real close, you'll see the tile mortar AND grout in my nails that you were just scrubbing in your kitchen!


  1. Grout is absolutely the WORST job. So messy, so much one step forward and two back with no clear end in sight. Still, so worth it to have the job done. Wish we lived closer, we have our own tile saw and all the goodies to go with it. I'd trade it for some eggs in a heart beat.

  2. My grandmother used to make frozen custard for us when she had extra eggs. We would turn the handle on the ice cream maker.

  3. Is there no end to your talents! The floor is looking great, way beyond anything I'd ever care to tackle.

  4. looks fabulous. Rotten on your hands, but there is something about tiling that I find relaxing

  5. Looks great! I will take some of your eggs when you have too many! I am always looking for farm eggs!

  6. Your floor looks fabulous. You could get a job as a tile layer. (grin) Winona
