
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I finally crashed!

Got home from Data Retreat around 2:30; sat on the computer and caught up on some emails; printed out Step #3 of Judy's June Mystery....

.... and the eyelids were growing heavy....

....I snuggled up on the couch with my Orange Crush with Law-n-Order on the TV; laid back and relaxed; no one else was home.....

....and the next thing I know, from the realm of partial consciousness, I hear DH saying to Caitlyn, "let's go get supper started, it's 7:00".


I'm completely lazy right now; still very lathargic; don't know if I'll find a second wind tonight or not. My "incoming cold" is nearing; sinuses are tender; throat has reached the "beyond-just-a-tickle" stage......


  1. I guess a crash was due, you've been on drug induced overdrive for a while now. Having a night off sounds like a good idea.

  2. lol, it catches up after a while. Enjoy the rest, tomorrow is another day

  3. Just keep saying " I am Not getting sick."

    Thanks for the info about QFK.
