
Sunday, June 20, 2010

One long weekend...

The guests of Saturday; my Aunts and Uncles of the "Laessig" Family. Of the 15 children of my grandmother and grandfather, twelve of the clan are still kicking around. There were LOTS of laughs, LOTS of people, LOTS of fun, and LOTS of drinking (for some---specialy Uncle Timmy seated in the very front of the stairs). My mother is pictured on the right in a bright red shirt. And funny enough, she is seated next to "aunt" Joyce, the oldest sister (my mom is the youngest sister). My mom often told me that she never realized Joyce was her sister; she always thought she was an Aunt of hers that would visit from time to time. Joyce is 22 years older than my mother. I just can't fathom it; I simply can't.

Holy cow--this was a loaded weekend. Let's at least start with all the quilty parts of the weekend...

Here are the Quilts4Kids kits all packaged up before leaving for Mom's...they arrived Thurdsay afternoon by UPS while I was out mowing lawn.

Again, Friday night I was able to pieced together the "Olivia theme top...

and the "Doggy theme" top.

Today I finished up the "Peace" theme top. I will be quilting these over the next couple of days and getting them back out in the mail.

Some of my garage sale loot....

Caitlyn's big $1.00 outfit!!! .75 cents for the skirt and .25 for the top. She couldn't wait to wear it at the party! She is SUCH a girl!

Garage sale "shirting" found; washed, pressed and folded already. HEY! Do I need to count this towards my stash gain?!?!?!!?!? Well.....I'm NOT! {{sticking out tongue}}

And then there's my Hancock Fabrics visit....
Like I said, I didn't go overboard at Hancock Fabrics this time: 10 FQ's

..... and 1/4 yard of the red, 1.9 yards of the leaves, 3.389 yards of the dragonfly fabric. I will use all of these in more "Fall" Buckeye Beauty blocks (part of a swap I'm taking part in). The big yardage gain was my 8.875 yards of bleached White Muslin (not pictured)---always nice to have on hand!

But, of course, the main reason for my visit was the Family Reunion on Saturday...
Do any of you out there have that one special cousin that you ALLLLLWAYS wished WASN'T your cousin?!?!!? {{wink-wink}}. Well, here's Marino (red shirt/orange hat)...."that" cousin for me growing up! LOL....My sis (with the weird "orange" hair---long story there!), myself and Marino spent much of the day catching up. And poor Spencer (Marino's son pictured) fought some boredom until we decided to play some games....

DH Paul and (his brother) Ryan walking in from a morning of working at their sister's place.... many of my relatives thinking they were twins. Yeah, I guess I see some similarity.

The grill may have been the highlight of the show for the boys....{{Paul in the background, Ryan holding Candace, Grandpa in the hat, and "Buzz," the hired cook and owner of the traveling grill}} I DO have to admit, that was one HUGE grill!!!!!!

I loaded up the girls' bikes for the trip; it's really easy peasy with the bike rack I have. Between the girls' bikes and the bikes "grandma" had, most of the kids were tearin' up the yard.....

{{{enter crashing sound}}}

Until "Cousin Cassie" had to start show-boating to "Cousin Lindsay" and CRASH into "Sister Candace."


Candace got banged and bruised pretty good, but Cassie ended up with the worst road-rash, by far!

Yeah, it looks like I'm giving her the "well, WHAT were you DOING going that fast!?!?" speech, but actually, I'm enveloping her in one BIG hug for being a trooper while I cleaned out that wound!
We contemplated taking her in to the ER, but I shrugged it off. There was nothing to stitch up; all the meat was torn out. It didn't look all that dirty (yet), and we cleaned it up and bandaged it "good enough".....But it sure didn't take long for that bandage to get all grossed up!
So, this morning when we took the bandage off to clean it, we all decided maybe it would be best to get it "professionally" cleaned out and maybe get our hands on some good Doc-recommended ointment...

Yeah, she'll live and hopefully she will remember this incident the next time.

We arrived home tonight around 8:30 and I've been unpacking non-stop before parking my butt to update. Nothing on the schedule tomorrow until 9:00 p.m. (softball), so I hope to have a relaxing day tidying up and getting downstairs to my quilting room.

Hopefully your weekend was as glorious!


  1. It sounds as if you had a wonderful time at your Family Reunion, and what a colourful family picture that is at the top of your post. We went to a family party a few weeks back and worked out that it was about twenty years since I'd seen most of the family. As I don't have any brothers or sisters, or any first cousins, they're all pretty distant relations so no reason to meet except at weddings and funerals. Poor Cassie, what a nasty gash, but I'll bet it won't hold her back for long.

  2. Poor thing! It looks like it hurts a lot! It otherwise looks like a wonderful family weekend.

    I finally finished quilting my Quilts for Kids Quilt yesterday. It needs to be washed, labeled and off it goes!

  3. What a lovely weekend. Too bad about Cassie's torn up knee, but how nice to see all of your family. It is hard to imagine a 22 year gap in children! How great to have them all together for a photo like that. Hope you get some sewing done today. now you've got three new practice tops to work on. Three new pantos, or maybe some free motion feathers instead? Have fun.

  4. What a fantastic and memorable weekend! It is good that Cassie loves to read--that knee may take some time to heal! Did anyone take a count to see how many cousins were there?

  5. Awesome to have the family cool to see so many of your mom's siblings all in one place! My half brother is 12 years younger than me...I can't imagine 22 years! I believe we have some of that doggie fabric in a kit here (Kathy is supposed to be doing it!)and I can't wait to see how you quilt it!

  6. Glad you had fun at the family reunion. So sorry about the knee. That looks very painful. I hope it heals quickly. Winona

  7. Sounds like a great reunion, despite the crash. Give her a big hug!!
