
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Scraps decluttered; Too Good to Cut progress; Stash report for THREE WEEKS

How does a mess like this go uncleaned for soooooo long?????? I started the day (Saturday) with sewing on the mind, but.....I was COMPELLED and MOTIVATED to clean up and organize this mess. Who was *I* to ignore the urge!?!?!?!!? I'm SURE you all have a mess like this on the edge of your cutting table, right??? The "collection spot" for all those little ends that aren't big enough for the current project, but too big to toss into the "crumb collection"......yeah, yeah.....

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.............Now THIS makes me want to dig right back in....nothing like a clean, BIG area for cutting........AND LOOK!!!! I found my purple-handled scissors!!!!! Yipeeeee! Most of the scraps were cut into 1.5" logs for my scrappy log cabins.....
remember those?
I have 19 blocks completed; pictured are the blocks I did up the first day of this WIP.... I'm feeling inspired enough to dive back into those blocks!!!! Oh......there needs to be more time in this life for quilting!

When I eventually sat at my machine, I did make some more progress on my Too Good to Cut Challenge blocks....
This fabric line is so flowerly and "light"----glad I finally took the plunge to cut into them,'m really not a frilly girl. What was I thinking when I bought these fabs?

Okay----onto the stash reports.....
Golly! I haven't reported in three weeks....

Stash Report: May 17 - 23
Used this week: .472 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Used-to-date 2010: 122.105 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 131.75 yards
Net used: -9.645 yards

Stash Report: May 24 - 31
Used this week: 3.090 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Used-to-date 2010: 125.195 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 131.75 yards
Net used: -6.555 yards

Stash Report: June 1 - 6
Used this week: .817 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Used-to-date 2010: 126.012 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 131.75 yards
Net used: -5.738 yards

Still in the RED, but I'm close to being in the BLACK!

Okay.....I'm up early this AM. I'm off to get started :0)


  1. Love those log cabin blocks. It's one of my favorite blocks. I'm working on some paper pieced ones now. Good luck on getting in the "black"! You're close!

  2. Good job getting the scraps taken care of.....mine are so out of hand right now! Your stash numbers look great-we are so close to both being in the black. I'm hoping to be there next week! Good luck. Wanna race??? ;-)

  3. Almost in the black!! Wow! great job!

  4. The edge of my cutting table looks just like yours! I usually clean mine off when I am preparing a quilt back because I need all the space to lay out fabric! Love how your log cabin blocks are coming together - great use for your scraps!

  5. Oh Amy, I feel your pain, but you are so close to getting out of the red. Keep it up.

  6. I'm glad to see you're working on your "Too Good to Cut Challenge" project. I've been neglecting mine and have to get back to it. Maybe it would help if I cleaned up my cutting table too.
