
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hot enough?

I can't believe I forgot to post this pic yesterday!!!! Remember how I was saying that I went outside (around 1:00) to photograph Dizzy Plus and the temp didn't seem that bad ; maybe mid 80's. Well....around 3:00, when I FIRST planned to head out to the garden, I peeked at the temp....

Mind you, the sun was out, so this is "in the sun" temp....but STILL! I waited until it clouded over around 5:00 and then headed out.... a couple thunder-boomers sounding off in the distance, but didn't amount to much.

Right now (6:30 AM), the temp is showing 60 degrees, and after a quick google to weather underground, we are also at 94% humidity. Maybe it's a good thing I'll be in an AC car for much of the day.


  1. Wow, I live in Florida and haven't been that hot that I know of. Glad you didn't get heat stroke.

  2. Yeah, I am right there with ya!

  3. It's 99 here right now. I pity my boys, they're out in the fields all day long...some have AC in their tractors but some don't. And the combine is broken down too, nothing like working on equipment out in the middle of a hot dusty field!

  4. That is what we've had for three days. My grass is so dry and brown... it is going to blog away.
