
Monday, July 5, 2010

Post 483; will I ever get to sewing today?

Okay, so we took a slight (VERY MUCH NEEDED) detour to the grocery store after my eye appointment. DH is home for the day, so he tagged along to make sure all of "his food" was bought this time.

Upon leaving the store, there was a van selling fresh, picked strawberries from a local grower in the area----one bucket would help me finish up the remainder of OUR strawberry pile. So, 12 cups of sugar and 3 Sure Jell packs later, another 10 containters to join the others in the freezer. I even tried throwing in some rhubarb in one batch since our rhubarb plants are flowing-overeth with their leaves :0) baking fiasco lead to another.
Rhubard Crunch is baking away in the oven at the moment....this doesn't last very long in our family! One sitting, and it's pretty much wiped out! (after all, it's only a 8x8 baking dish)

While all the baking and mixing was going on, I started up the dishes (mainly because I needed to clean out the jam containers). Well, DH took over once my hands got too busy with all the steps. {{You can believe whatever you want----did I purposefully start them knowing I couldn't finish and DH would take over??? hmmmm...maybe}}

Now---I'm a bit pooped! The heat and humidity has hit home over the past couple of days. Even with the AC on, it's enough to wipe out someone! So....I think I'm going to put up my feet for a bit; maybe read the back of my eye-lids, and hit the sewing room in an hour.


  1. That jam looks yummy. Glad your dh pitched in and helped. I have been sewing. Now I'm taking a break, on the computer. Winona

  2. Hi! I came over from Linda's. Love your blog! Kerrie

  3. Oh man!!! Was it just YOU with the jelly making? When we helped Granma, there were 6 of us picking and 4 of us making the jelly afterwards. We got a huge mess of jelly done in about 2 hours! :)

    Looks great!

  4. Holly Buckets of Strawberries!!!

    That Jam looks Yummy!
