
Saturday, August 21, 2010

I love my girls! All of them!

My children "girls" were wonderful yesterday; able to take my mind off of things that were troubling me. I love them!

My volleyball "girls" had an absolute AMAZING practice this morning (yeah...mean coach here! Saturday AM practice!)...and confirmed that the choices that were made for team selections were correct. I love them!

And, DH and I are absolutely KICKING ourselves! We took the "big" boat out on the Lake yesterday and borrowed a friend's tube and rope setup----and we DID NOT TAKE THE CAMERA!. This was the girls' first time out on the tube and they had a BLAST! The boating time started with me, (of course), showing them "how it was done." It was also the opportunity for DH and I to work out the appropriate speed where it could be fun for the girls, but safe. None of them can swim (yet); and Candace and Caitlyn ARE only 4 & 6 respectively, afterall; we didn't want them to be scared :0)


once we found that "good speed"-------- **giggle**.............I had "FUN"! DH cranked the speed, and the girls had a good time watching me fly and bump and twist and turn over the giNORmous waves DH was making. OOOOOOdles of laughs!

I tandemed with Candace and Caitlyn separately before they tubed by themselves. Poor Caitlyn got a HUGE face wash when a wave crested a bit higher than planned....but she held on like a trooper, spittering and sputtering and laughing, giving us the thumb's up.

Oh---did I mention that MOM was more nervous and scared for the girls than they actually were themselves? ;0)

When we finally called it quits, we dealt with the pouts and whines....but they sky was losing light! What a FUN afternoon!

And yeah----practice this morning was fabulous! I really DO love coaching this sport and the girls!

This afternoon, I don't have a lot planned. Right now, I'm thinking of just relaxing with a good book while the girls enjoy their Wii time. Cassie has a friend over, so they're playing a "new" game....
I will consider making my way downstairs...but I'm okay if I don't, too :0)

Happy Saturday!


  1. Sounds like you are having a great time with all your 'girls'!! Enjoy your afternoon off - with or without sewing! ;)

  2. Too bad about the camera, it sounds like everyone was having a ball. Sounds like the volleyball girls are coming together as a team. Nothing like an AM Saturday practice to foster team spirit! Relaxing with a good book sounds like a good plan to me too.

  3. Sounds like your family had a wonderful fun-filled day together. Winona

  4. What a great way to end the summer! Your description brings back lots of memories!!!!
