
Monday, August 9, 2010

A perfect day for quilting... (as long as you have AC!)

OMGoodness! If you can get past the dust and visible grease....yeah, that says 123.1 degrees!!! Mind you, it's in the sun.....BUT STILL!!!!! I DID venture out to give Shadow some water for drinking and doused him with some as well...ugh! Opressive!!!!! He was having a nap in the shade, in a lovely "cool" pit he dug next to his house. He seems to be taking the heat well!

I printed out the next handful of midget blocks with intentions of catching up to Angela, but when I turned the light on in my quilting room, my Twilight units caught my eye. That sounded like a better plan than the midgets, so....New Moon was placed into the DVD, and away I went.

By the end of the movie, this is how far I was. The final "arrow units" had been cut, sewn, and started to be pressed.

Pressing took quite a bit longer than usual because I took my time pressing the seams open. This sure made for some perfect points!!!

After some lunch, I THEN had intentions of hitting the midget blocks.....but.....

eh....I was having too much fun with the Twilight blocks. SO.....Twilight was put into the DVD player (again), and onward I went.

By mid-movie, I pieced my first two complete blocks. Unfortunately, they are about 1/4" too small in certain

I set them aside for the time being to stew over what my next steps will be. Maybe I'll remove my name from the list (it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all, because I can imagine these blocks looking AMAZING together in another quilt similar to Green Beauty (aka: Jared Takes a Wife). Maybe I'll change my block for the swap??? I dunno. But if these continue being a bit small, I wouldn't feel right AT ALL swapping them out.

Hmmmm....maybe tonight I'll get to the midget blocks?????
(I'm sensing that familiar feeling.......U........F........O........) ;0)

Oh yeah----I DO have other things up on my Design Wall from working on my September BOM blocks over the past couple of days. All three are done but the directions need to be typed up yet. Yeah....they're blurred out on the bottom ;0) Kinda neat how that first one blurred to show a circular design! Have no fear, though----no curved piecing coming.


  1. Blurring out the September blocks is really mean.

  2. Ok, I will stop complaining out OUR heat here in New England (mere 90s and humid)
    Yikes that is HOT!


  3. Love how the blurring looks!! Those blocks are awesome!!!

    I can't wait for it to get cool enough to have the windows open while quilting... I LOVE that kind of quilting weather! :)

  4. Your Twilight block looks great. I love red, black and white together. It was hot here today too. I am so ready for fall. Enough of this nasty heat and humidity. Winona

  5. I'm piping in too. Love the colors of the Twilight blocks. I'll have to look into that. Not that I need another project. I still haven't put the borders on my Jared yet. LOL
