
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quilted MIL quilt...

Here is one of four that I need to quilt up for MIL. The pattern is from Quick Quilts June/July 2010. One for the Toad. 36.5" x 43.5". Very simple pantograph here---the same as I used on Jen's quilt on Monday: Curly Q by Lisa Calle.

I worried about what it would look like quilting over the frog; I don't think it looks that bad.

I used heart and swirly decorative stitches on the binding. I like how the hearts look.

MIL had some "vintage" 80's fabrics that she used in the blocks.
One down.....

Here's the one that is currently in the frame. No panto for this one. I'm branching out and playing...


  1. I think that I have asked before, but do you float your top? It looks like you do and I am thinking that I will have to try that myself.... I do have some baby quilts to use as test quilts...

    You are making me want to get back to my frame! lol

  2. OK, so that frog is highly adorable, and he looks fine with quilting on his little body -- adds texture. Those balloons though, with the custom quilting -- those are just perfect. Breaking away from the pantograph isn't too scary, is it?
