
Sunday, September 5, 2010

One week resumes its hecticity

The first day of school has come and gone.

This is actually a pic from the 2nd day of school that DH took. He was busy the morning of the first day of school, reducing the population of our pigs, so this was his first "school" morning to enjoy. {{notice the rain jacket? Gloomy 2nd and 3rd days of school.}}

Three days down, and already right back into the swing of things. I spent 7 hours yesterday working on lessons and problems that will be coming up this next week in my Statistics class. I need to wrap up the lessons today, and then I'll be able to put my books away for the rest of the weekend.

Volleyball is keeping me away (as expected), but it's rewarding in its own way. These young ladies are my Captains this year and showing wonderful leadership.

And the garden?....

That's DH's job now. My allergies and busy life are keeping me away from it, but I try to help out when I can in the house with the "storing" part.
Corn has been the latest harvest; two full wheelbarrows of cobs, plus (in DH's words), 'easily another wheelbarrow left on the stalks out there.' Friday night was a "shucking-party" in the garage. And last night, after DH spent much of the day blanching the cobs and cutting the corn from them, I helped him fill 34 bags with 3 cups of kernals in each.

I SURE do like this 3-day weekend. It's nice thinking that it's actually more like a "Saturday morning" right now and that I have two more full days ahead of me to get things done that have been lingering.


  1. And so it begins again. Doesn't it seem like the cycle keeps speeding up every time it repeats itself again. The girls look adorable. So hard to believe you've only been back three days, we are three weeks in already! Tasty looking corn, and so nice of DH to take over most of the labor for you.

  2. I've often wondered how to take corn from the cob. They have a very short season here in the UK, from about a week ago until the middle of September usually. So we generally just the boil them up for a few minutes and eat them off the cob with butter. Do you have a special tool to de-cob them, or do you just use a knife?

  3. Oh, fresh corn... If I lived any closer, I would be more than happy to take some of that off of your hands! lol Your girls look like they are having fun though!

    Glad that you survived your first week back! ;)

  4. Such a hectic time of life, good thing you have helpers. I loved the picture of you with your girls and the beautiful wide smiles.
