
Saturday, December 11, 2010

3rd December finish: Morning Run

Morning Run (72"x92")

Freshly laundered, Morning Run is ready for gifting to DH's boss's daughter.  Overall, I'm pleased with how it turned out.

The quilting was from a book via Golden Threads; no name was given for the pattern.

I used a Thinsulate batting rather than my normal Warm-n-Natural.  I wanted her to be able to completely wrap herself up in this quilt, and sometimes I find that the Warm-n-Natural along with the amount of quilting a pantograph has us complete, the quilts are "stiff" until well broken in.   This one is easily at "snuggle status" already.  
I'm actually reminded of my Orange Crush (the first Bonnie mystery I took part in).  I used Thinsulate batting and it's my FAVORITE quilt to snuggle in with!  I love it!  Light, yet plenty warm!

While Morning Run was in the washer/dryer, I set out to piece the borders for the individual blocks of Jen's Diamonds.  Ehh...still not in love with this quilt.  I'm a bit nervous that it won't end up with a look that Jen will like...

Okay, time to get dinner going....


  1. First, big woohoo on getting so much done today. Love the stair stepped black cornerstones on Morning Run! Borders are a big pain in the neck, but they do add a lot to the finished quilt. I'm sure Jen's Diamonds will grow on you, especially when it is quilted.

  2. Love the quilting - Looks fantastic!

  3. Love both quilts - very different and yes, I love batting with a nice, soft drape, too! Hugs - Lurline♥

  4. Hooray for finishing Morning Run and I think that those blocks look great for the new quilt!
