
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Serenity (aka: NYE mystery) done


Serenity (55"x79")

The name comes completely from its definition:
Serenity: repose; a disposition free from stress or emotion.
These past few days have been LOVELY, and extremely free from stress.

Recap of my day:

I started the day out by pressing my 192 bonus green/bkgrnd tris and my 96 pink/bckgrnd tris. As the picture shows, they were then trimmed down to 48 and 24 3.5" bonus pinwheels that made their way into the border; this took a couple of hours.

By early-afternoon, I decided to piece some backing....

...and then I figured.....PSHT! Since I'm this far, I might as well go ahead and load it into the frame and see how far I could get with quilting before I gave in for the day.....

DONE after about 5 hours of quilting start-to-finish

;0) The quiting pantograph is on my #1 favorite list for girly-romanticy quilts. Feather Me - 6" by Meredith England. I absolutely love it!

All that remains is binding, but I'm done for the day, off to soak in the tub with a good book!!! :0) Afterall...."real life" returns tomorrow when I need to bury my nose into my Statistics book to prep for the week ahead. As the saying goes...."all good things must come to an end."

Time invested in this beauty so far:
* 9.5 hours yesterday (top pieced, minus borders)
* 9.5 hours today (borders, backing, quilting)
19 hours as a decent estimate so far. In the end, it'll be right around 20 hours once binding is complete.

OH! I haven't forgotten about the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. As I was piecing this morning, a brilliant idea came to my mind. I think I'm going to kill two (or three?) birds with one stone. Blue is our color this month......well......I have TWO blue UFOs (Star Struck Blues and Blue Ridge Beauty (gosh, how can I NOT have a pic of that yet???))........ your mind following mine yet?????

Anyway....I'm thinking.......tear into my scraps for BOTH of these quilts and have BOTH completed by the end of the month! Too ambitious?!?!?!!? Yeah, maybe even for me, BUT isn't that what the word "Challenge" is all about???


Happy Saturday!


  1. I just cannot believe that you made and quilted this quilt in 2 days. That's beyond amazing! And it's gorgeous to boot. Color me very very impressed.

  2. That quilt gets better everytime I see it. Well done. Think big - you are the most likely person I know of who will achieve your goals.

  3. What a fabulous quilt. I am much impressed. If anyone can finish two blue scrap quilts before the end of the month, it is you.

  4. Just getting started on mine. Hubby decided to invite people over both on NYE and on NYD so I had to delay working on this. Can't wait to see how the final top looks. Love your color choices.

  5. What a lovely quilt and in just one day!! I have yet to pull out my blue scraps, but that will happen tomorrow. I have ideas, I just need some time.

  6. i am just going to repeat what Dee said-I can not believe you worked this fast! You go girl!

  7. It is lovely!!!!! Which one of the girls has claimed it?

  8. Wonderful quilt and I love the panto you used! Have a fantastic 2011, may it be a quilty one. :D

  9. I LOVE your borders. And from bonus triangles too. Well done.

  10. Yuor looks amazing! WOW! I am very impressed! I need to get mine to the quilter but mine is little and not so impressive as yours. Nice colors too!

  11. I love your new quilt. In two days! I'm jealous of the quilting machine. I look forward to seeing the blues you do. If you did this one start to finish in two days, yes, I think you can finish the other two in a month!

  12. Such a gorgeous quilt, and you must have had a flying needle in your machine. Love the colors, so girly.
