
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today I ...

Set no records. BUT.....enjoyed some weather!

the afternoon was BEEEE-UUUU-TEEEEE-FUL!

For those of you who live south of the "cold belt" may not understand this next comment....BUT....

today, it hit 30 degrees! It was NIIIIIICE! Upon arriving home at 3:45 (Yup....ditched out of school almost instantly today)....the sun was shining more than it has in the past few weeks; parts of a blue sky were trying to peek out from behind some clouds; the road was almost free of snow/ice (enough for me to tread along a patch of pavement); very little to no wind. I HAD to get out and enjoy the sun while it lasted!

Since DH wasn't home and I still don't feel okay leaving the girls home alone, I ended up doing 4 "laps" along the small section of road in front of the house. Psht----the girls didn't even know I was gone. They played with the dog the whole time. In fact, I was back and already in the house making preparations for dinner when I saw Caitlyn head to the end of the driveway in search of me.

Distance: 1.25 miles
Time: an enjoyable 13:26 "back-for-the-first-time-in-months" pace ;0)
HR: nothing too scary: AVG: 165 BPM (beats per minute)
My left knee did kinda say..." haven't used me in a while----please pay attention to the little discomfort I'm giving you." But after the first lap, I felt pretty good; other than a slight burning in my lungs. {{ MAY have been "nice" at 30 degrees, but it's still COLD on the lungs}}. I haven't set any goals of running x times per week; it just kinda happened today. So......**shrug**....we'll see!


  1. I've enjoyed seeing your quilts and your design of them. Amazing.

  2. It's so difficult to get motivated to do any keep fit when it's grey and gloomy isn't it, but a peek of sun makes all the difference.

  3. It has been so cold this last week I totally understand the heat wave.

    Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the sun!

  4. Warmth and sunshine? Brrrr. Congratulations on braving the weather to get out there and get some miles in. It will be spring soon enough.
