
Monday, February 14, 2011

Are you a dog lover?

I had the TV tuned to USA channel tonight to watch the tail end of NCIS (LOVE that show, BTW). As we were finishing up dinner, the Westmintser Dog Show was starting, and we found ourselves NOT changing the channel.

I grew up with a beagle by the name of "Socks." He was mostly black with some brown and a patch of white on his chest and all four paws were white....hence the name "Socks." In 2008, the Beagle won the Best of Show; amazing headline news that year.

We have a dog now--"Shadow," a black labrador; Cassie is his main owner; she feeds him. The girls play with him, and I've tried, but.......gosh! That dog's a-runner! He bolts the moment he's leash-free :0(

We had two dogs previous to Shadow----"Lucky" a yellow labrador and "Buster" a brown labrador. Both dogs were good dogs; Buster was a wedding gift to DH and myself; AMAZING dog! And then....Lucky entered the picture. :0( Buster didn't like the new addition. But.....Lucky! He was THE BEST BEST BEST dog EVER!

Anyway....getting sidetracked from what this post really was for and about. I've enjoyed the show so far; I LOVE how the announcer gives some information regarding each breed. We've only watched the "hound" category so far, and I can't believe how many different breeds there are; many that I have never heard of!!!

The Scottish Deerhound ended up being the winner of this category tonight. {{Random google picture here}} I think the name "fits" the dog; and I'm not so sure I could see being the owner of this breed.

And did you know that the Irish Wolfhound is the largest breed in the world? Larger than a Great Dane even! Yup, definitely not a future-owner of a Wolfhound.

Both of these breeds (Deerhound & Wolfhound) were new to me tonight.

My husband has now since changed the channel, and I'm okay with that. While out googling for some pictures, I also came across this Giant Poodle picture. I hope not to offend anyone....but ....nuh-uh! NOT for me! Even some of the "hound" category breeds tonight were not appealing to me....

For instance...the Pharaoh hound.....nope. Not my style.

What WOULD I like?

The Siberian Husky has always intrigued me, although I will most likely never own one. I'm always stricken by the intense blue eyes of many Huskies.

And then I remember this little guy from watching the show last year.....The Papillon. I couldn't believe that I found myself really liking the look of this dog last year because I REALLLLLY am not a "toy dog" person......ya know......those little annoying dogs nicknamed the "ankle biters."

Anyway....are you a dog lover? A dog owner?


  1. We have 4 Labradors, Bailey our yellow 3 year old, Reesie our 1.5 year old chocolate, Riley our white with a little tan 1.5 year old bully (the only boy) and then Hershey our 8 month old Chocolate.......oh the adventures they have put me through so far this year. Resulted in an electric fence! They are great. Just can't take the 4 of them anywhere together. Can take 2 and it doesn't matter which 2, but when they are all together, they get this pack mentality, and all S*&t hits the fan! You can see a few of their adventures over on my blog bet you can't guess where that name came from!

  2. Yah...we have a ShihTzu but I'm not a dog lover like some people. She will be our 1 and only dog, because of course I get to do all the work for her care :)

  3. I'd love to have a dog, and now that I'm retired it would certainly be possible. Christopher would like a dog too, but keeps coming up with reasons to postpone getting one, so I suppose he's not as keen as I am. Standard poodles are actually great characters - a friend of ours has one - and don't have to have that stupid hair cut, that's just down to their owners. I'd like a collie, or a spaniel I think. Perhaps if I wish hard enough .....

  4. You won't want a Siberian Husky if you want a dog to be off leash (and stick around). We can't leave our two off leash either. :0(

  5. We have a lab mix right now and think they're great dogs. I would love to one day have a mastiff while my husband wants something that weighs about 5 pounds. I'm guessing we'll stick with something in the middle though.

  6. We have a 5 year old golden named Molly. Of course, now that the snow is gone (at least on the sidewalks), I don't have an excuse anymore to not take her out for a walk. Maybe tonight (before volleyball).

  7. Oh, yes, I am a dog person. We currently have a Doxie (Abby) and A Shih Tzu (Buffy). At one time we had 6 dogs (3 Doxies + others). We also have 1 cat and two parrots. I love all of them and they love me back: works for me.

  8. I really enjoy the Dog Show. We had great mix breed dogs on our farm. Now retired to the city we do not have any pets and I miss them but I am not to agile so it is hard for me to give them the total care they need. Our daughter shares her beautiful Golden Retriever, Hudson, anytime we feel a need for some doggy love.
