
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday sew-in status...

1. Piece Maltese Stars step #5 - DONE!

2. Piece Blue Ridge Beauty blocks into a top (and open up my design wall!) - SORTA DONE!
I pieced the blocks together into the quilt center, but haven't added borders yet. However, my design wall was finally clear again :0)

3. Write step 2 of Raven Stars - DONE.

4. Piece 1 OR 13 more Red Blossom (Pineapple Blossom) blocks - NOT DONE, but the blocks have taken over my design wall.

DH was off of work early yesterday, so he volunteered to drive the 80 miles down to Eau Claire to pick up my machine that has been sitting, waiting, since Monday. Ah yes, a lovely husband :0) Mind you, he also enjoyed his stop at the Sporting Goods store down in that area... :0) The verdict on my machine: a gear had loosened which is why is was so noisy, and the fact that the gear was loose was causing my needle/bobbin to be out-of-sync. No gear replacement was needed; just a tightening.

And all day long, I've been working some more on the RRCB HST units as my leaders-enders project.

But now...I'm a bit peetered-out. DH was up bright and early at 5:30 to head out with a family friend for a day of ice-fishing. As hard as he really tries at being silent, it still doesn't matter. I'm such a light sleeper. He apologized when I came rolling out of the bedroom at 5:45, but I simply shrugged and said "no biggy." It's the weekend! No stress and I can get my day started before the girls wake up.


  1. You have had a very productive day! Love your blue ridge beauty quilt top...I should look for my blocks sometime :)

  2. Ah, such a nice day of sewing. Glad you were able to enjoy some time for yourself. I am loving those red block.

  3. Wow! I like the blue block quilt and the red quilt is a beauty!

  4. Well, you've been very busy. I particularly like your red pineapple blocks quilt; I know you don't much care for square quilts, but seeing this on your design wall I think this is made to be square, so just the one more block. I look forward to seeing what you decide.

  5. You got tons done!! I was feeling like I got some things accomplished yesterday, but it pales in comparison to what you did. :) Way to go!!!

  6. You had a very productive day. Except you forgot one thing...the DREADMILL! ;0)

  7. I love the pinapple blossom blocks all in red! I need to get back to my rainbow ones!
