
Friday, March 4, 2011

Another "it's FRIDAY" post!

Good golly -n- poopers! Time is a'flying and even though this is the more quiet and subdued time of my school year......I'm amazed at how breathless and pooped out I am at the end of days, and CERTAINLY at the end of weeks.

Today was actually a joyful day that was a bit out of my norm; I had an all-day meeting with a small group of individuals. Our goal was to create a draft of our School District's Technology Plan, a LARGE task at-hand. We were successful at creating an extremely rough draft and had just enough time to start performing an edit on the first quarter of the draft. I have been dubbed the committee's secretary; merely because years ago I would bring my laptop to every meeting to jot down notes for myself, which then turned into 'why don't you fancy them up to be the minutes for the committee' which then advanced to a full-blown secretary title. No biggy. I don't mind being the laptop schlepping, minute-writing individual. ;0)

Anyway----tonight dinner consists of a very lazy "mom" meal (that most kids love). Frozen pizza and pizza rolls. Dessert: left-over caramel corn that was made last night.

Plans for the weekend: SEW, SEW, SEW :0) I will also have to fit in some time to grade the assessments that I had my students take today while I was out of the classroom.

Also, I finally bit the bullet and checked-out the first Harry Potter book from my school's library. I guess I'll see if I get obsessed into them as so many others have.

Happy Friday!


  1. I love, love love harry potter!!!!
    My lazy mom meal tonight is frozen lasagna. I only get Sunday to sew because of a History Grant thing tomorrow. Have a good one!

  2. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan! They are just so charming and sweet. There is nothing better than starting on a new series and knowing that you have days and weeks of reading ahead. Sounds like you deserve a nice relaxing weekend at home after another busy work week.

  3. I have not read all the Harry Potter books but enjoyed the ones I did read. I was teaching grade 7 & 8 Math and Science when they first came out. I figured anything that got boys reading the way those books did could not be all bad. Enjoy your weekend. Our grandson's (3 and 4 1/2) are coming for a visit. That means no sewing for me. Joanne H

  4. You'll love HP. Best heard, though, on books on tape. Jim Dale does a marvelous job with every character and then grows them through the books!

  5. I love HP too! My daughter and I buy advance tickets to the movies when they come out and go to opening night show. We went to the midnight release parties at Books-a-Million, even on school nights! Have a great weekend!

  6. And then you can go visit Harry at Universal. We just got back from there and loved it.
