
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Two and a half finishes with a Stash Report

Ugh. BOY, I've been in a slump lately and have allowed myself to play the victim instead of making the best of it and moving forward with a few different things at work. This slump has migrated its way to my quilting life; not having much of any motivation to do anything.

WELL! What a poooooooh way to live, huh?

So, this AM while catching up on blogs, I read Bonnie's "A Heart for Japan" post where she was requested to get the word out for assistance on sending quilts to Japan. Putting everything into perspective, my life is no where NEAR as bad as what it could be, so ..... I shook out of my whiny-victim mood and said....."stop sulking and get busy Amy!"

Having been two weeks since I really spent any real time quilting, I started with the quilt that was on my floor---Maltese Star (QOV Mystery #24). The final borders needed to be pieced onto it. 20 minutes later, measuring at 64"x80"----top done :0). It has been set aside because it IS meant for donation to QOV, but I wanted to get busy on some Japan donation quilts.

While I was finishing up Maltese Star, I started doing some brainstorming on how to finish up my Red Blossoms quilt that STILL was displayed on my design wall. I thought it would be a perfect quilt to finish up and donate!

A small 1" light inner border was added, in addition to the pinwheel extensions to the top/bottom, and one final 5" red border, finishing this quilt at 66"x76".

Find fabric for a backing wasn't super easy, but I think I pieced it together well enough to accomplish its job. This is yet another project showing the symmetric nature to just about everything I create. 180 degree rotational symmetry, slightly off-balance, shown here. The larger red pieces are a hand-dyed fabric that was in one of my many storage boxes.

I didn't change out my pantograph at all---still using my 4.5" Chinese Crescents, a perfect "loose" pantograph.

While I was quilting Red Blossoms, I needed a small break, so I pulled my Blue Ridge Beauty off my 'waiting table' to trim off the excess batting/backing from quilting it a few weeks back. Then took a few moments to prepare some binding and zooooooomed away, finishing off this quilt at 68"x80".

As much as I really was looking forward to having this join me upstairs as my new snuggle-quilt, it is needed much more over seas. So, off to Japan it will go!

I'm pretty tuckered out, but rather pleased with my day's progress. Another hour of binding is needed and I'll be able to check Red Blossoms off my list, too.

I mentioned a few weeks back that the girls and myself have been doing some puzzling; DH caught us in the act last weekend (it was a PJ day for sure!)

Stash Report: March 7-20
Used/week: 6.07 yds
Purch/week: 5.0 yds (backing for Raven Stars)

Used/year: 42.75 yds
Purch/year: 11.0 yds

Net Used: 31.75 yds


  1. Wow - you are on a serious roll - go girl!!

  2. When you get out of a slump, you really get out! Nice finishes and nice to send them overseas.

  3. ...oh and the back of the Maltese Star is nice as the front!

  4. sure bolted out of your slump! That's amazing progress! Bless your heart for sending such a beautiful quilt to comfort those in Japan :)

  5. What a productive day you've had. Some beautiful quilts which will be treasured

  6. Sometimes just getting started is enough to get you going isn't it. What lovely quilts you're donating, they'll be treasured I'm sure. I haven't been able to get into my sewing room for over a week, and now that I can I've got to take my sewing machine to be serviced. So still no sewing for me; I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms!

  7. Wow, you were one busy bee! Love the backing (and the front) for Red Blossoms. I like your version of Maltese Star too. And can't leave out Blue Ridge Beauty....they're all gorgeous!

  8. Amazing! Do you have a longarm now?

  9. You are so generous Amy! I was sitting here wishing one of those beauties was coming my way, but I guess I will be grateful that I didn't have to survive the devastation of Japan and know that whoever winds up with those quilts will be comforted. I guess I need to look around and what I have half done that I could finish up and donate too! Way to go!

  10. Both are beautiful. I love the way you finished off the red one, both front and back. You do a great job! So sweet and generous of you to donate both. Does this mean you are officially out of your slump????

  11. I love all three of the quilts. I may have to make a red quilt, as I love yours so much, the back is gorgeous, too. Such a good picture of you and your girls. I'll bet the four of you can put one together relatively quickly as opposed to the years it would take me, lol.

  12. Holy Buckets! That is one busy way to get out of a slump!!! The quilts are gorgeous - I love how you finished the Red Blossoms quilt.... it would look great here..........

    You have a good heart!
