
Sunday, May 15, 2011

The reality of it all...

Alrighty then. Reading through blogland, I've noticed many posts saying one of two things....

a) I'm accomplishing TONS


b) I'm on a quilting slump and not completing anything. BUT, have loads of goals...

Yup, Yup. I'm definitely in the latter category.

The sad reality (for me)....
I've finished FOUR quilts this year so far. That's averaging LESS than one a month. HOW can that be???? Oh dear, oh dear. Simply not acceptable.

So, my current reality....I have become less obsessed with my quilting because other life priorities have simply been moved ahead of others. This doesn't mean that I won't EVER get back to my 24-7 quilting mentality. But lately....
  • woodwork (splitting, stacking) has taken my weekends. The good news: it's finished.
  • Harry Potter remains to be my evening past time. With book #7 on my nightstand, he will be leaving me soon.
  • Exhaustion from the rigor of the final weeks of the school year keeps me fairly drained in the evenings.

    And "thinking reality" I took a closer look at my right-side bar listing my WIPs, UFOs, Tops.....
    Hopscotch blocks are done; sashing has already begun
    Buckeye Beauty units are my Leaders-Enders project and are nearing block-completion.
    Maltese Star top is done. Just needs a backing and quilting.
    Roll Roll Cottonboll is on the frame and half completed. (YES, I did spend about 2 hours with it this morning!!!) ;0)
    Raven Stars IS quilted and awaits binding.
    In Flight top is done and has a backing ready. Needs to be quilted.
    Transitions top is done and I recall having set aside a backing for it. Needs quilting.
    Seven Shirts top is done; needs a back and quilting.
    Wafer Cookies top is done; needs a back and quilting.
    Snuggler top is done, needs a back and quilting.

    The  potential future reality.....ONCE I get back into quilting-mode, I ideally could whip out a finish nearly everyday with 8 hours of daily devotion :0)


    1. Big question of the day. Is quilting a hobby, pastime and enjoyment or is it an obligation and list of projects to finish? Not that we don't all need goals, but we have jobs and families and lots of things we HAVE to do. Why can't quilting just wait patiently until we WANT to do it?

    2. I don't think we really need to rush through our projects just to tick them off our list. True, some quilts are very demanding and they call us to finish them quickly but others are there to savour and contemplate every detail or decision. Life is for living fully and enjoying (or not) every aspect.

    3. We can't do it all, all the time!
      I'm starting to gear up for gardening, so I'm trying to finish up as much quilting as I can before planting time.
      Enjoy whatever you're doing!

    4. I had my slump last month. With everything else that you have to do, and the family to look after, you've still managed to accomplish a lot. Do what you can, when you can, and enjoy it
