
Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm Bored ?

Okay...I KNOW I should be getting loads done with the girls gone this whole week, but....I'm simply not in a mood to do much of anything today.

I spent a couple of hours downstairs this morning preparing backings and batting to Splendidly Marching Along, in addition to Maltese Star and Hopscotch, AND my 13-block BOM from last summer. So, four quilts prepped and ready for quilting, but wasn't in the mood to load anything onto the frame.

So, upstairs I went for a bowl of cereal (10:30 AM) and flipped through the TV channels. NOT MUCH ON after looking through 100s of channels....

Paul arrived home around 11:00, done for the day, so I wandered outside a bit with him. As I was heading back in to get some containers for raspberry picking, I stopped by to peek at the robin's nest. The babies had hatched since I last looked (two weeks ago?); there were three of them, only not so small anymore. Then......CLUTZY ME! When I stepped away, I tripped up on some weeds and startled the chicks into FALLING out of the nest!!!! THAT was a long fall for them......10-12 feet? OH NO! What to do?!?!?!? Pick them up and put them back in? That was my first thought after I just stood, staring for a few moments. They were hopping about on the lower concrete apron, so I went to see about placing them back in the nest. Oh dear---oh soon as I got near the first one, it flew off!!!! At least....20 feet? So, that's a good sign, right??? Then, I tried approaching the 2nd one, and it didn't quite fly, but flapped its wings and hobbled along in the air for a bit. this point, I kinda just stood back again, wondering if I should just let them be. Moments went by.....and suddenly, this HAWK SWOOOOPED down out of NOWHERE, but for whatever reason, did NOT grab the chick it appeared to be aiming for. Hmmmm? I don't know about the chick, but *I* was startled.

So.......I sat and watched the chicks for some time from my deck; one of them had flown quite far off and I lost track of it, but the other two were about 15-20 feet apart from each other in the taller grass, chirping (to each other?). This was about two hours ago, and I just checked up on them and they are still settled in the grass area. Paul simply said...."it's Mother Nature's job now."

Paul and I spent about an hour picking raspberries. I was quite surprised at the amount of berries that were accumulating in our containers. Here's one little snippit from our conversation.
{{Having picked one-third of my section}}
Me: Wow! My container is already full.
Paul: You're not eating enough of them!

THAT was just too funny of a comeback from him.
We have plenty for at least 3 batches of straight raspberry jam, but I'm in need of some more SureJel, so no jam-making right now.

Alright----so, it's 3:00 and I look over at the couch-----Paul's sleeping. So much for heading out on the boat. :0(

Gah! What can I do now? I'm off to look at the Kindle Store.


  1. I often have great plans for when I've got a few days by myself and then end up wandering about like a lost soul, and watching too much television. It just doesn't seem right to be in an empty house. It sounds as if your robin chicks were about ready to fledge so I expect that they'll be fine. The RSPB advice is always to leave them be, and their parents will find them and feed them.

  2. I'm with Kathy. A new quilt is a perfect cure for boredom. Have you seen the cheddar bowtie quiltalong at quiltville? Surely you have a quilt wish list?

  3. Amy, I had to smile when I read the title of your post. When our 5 kids were growing up, one thing they never said was 'I'm bored'. LOL They even warned all their friends not to say that in front of mom because she will find something for you to do and you won't like it. Her cure is more work for us. LOL I love that memory. I agree, start a new quilt, maybe something really simple that you can piece without really thinking about it. I am sure your robins were ready to take off on their own. Enjoy those raspberries. Is it still so hot there? It was 102* again today. I am so ready for fall.
