
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Corn on the Cob; not for everyone :/

The first corn-on-the-cob meal of the season is ALWAYS memorable!!!! Crispy, Snappy, SWEEEET....and kernals just POP off the cob in your mouth. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm.......



When a 7-year-old loses her THIRD top tooth (JUST TODAY!!), corn-on-the-cob simply can't be enjoyed like it should be to really appreciate it.

She knew we needed to help her along... and was okay having us cut it off the cob for her.


a few moments later.....

Candace: OW! Mom....this hurts my mouth.....
Me: Where, honey?
Candace: Right here....

Me: CANDACE! You have a loose tooth too!
Candace: {{pouty face}}
Me: Why are you sad?
Candace: I don't want the blood like Cailtyn.

LOL......oh, what we have to look forward to over the next week? month? Who knows how long this tooth is going to take to actually be ready to come out.


Cassie was sitting back, smiling, and gnawing away on her FIFTH cob :0)

Nah.....Paul wasn't going to be forgotten ;0) He was enjoying his first taste this season of fried-green-tomatoes.

And after dinner.....

Paul decided to make home-made brownies with the girls. So that only means ONE thing. Time for me to get out on the road for my easy 2-miles so that I can allow myself a WEEEEE indulgence when finished :) Cassie is going to run along with me, so it'll be a nice-easy pace.

Happy Thursday!!!!!!!! Tomorrow, I hope to get some quilting in, so watch for a quilting post (FINALLY) :0)

Workout Update
Cassie did very well on her 2 mile run with me, only needing 3 very small walk breaks. Upon returning, I added 5 GPU (general pickups) where each was ~100-200 meters in length. AND THEN....when I started heading toward the door, Candace and Caitlyn came out to meet me to run. They were disappointed when I said "not on the road" (it was getting quite dark already!), so we did 3 laps on our driveway, which added another ~200 meters per lap. So....between the GPUs and the driveway laps, I'll beg to say I ran about 3 miles total tonight. Sadly, my watch died before the first mile :0( I don't think I've charged it since the Marathon-relay last weekend :0( OopS!!!!!!!!


  1. I'll take some of those fried green tomatoes!

  2. 5 ears of corn?! That is impressive.

  3. I'm looking forward to some fried zucchini for dinner tonight.
