
Friday, August 26, 2011

Final day of vacation.... and some catchup

Morning! Bright -n- early up -n- at 'em! 3:30 AM and I gave up the fight...again.

With today being my last day of summer vacation, I SURELY hope this sleepless "can't shut brain down" thing gets under control before back-to-school next week. I wouldn't want to be a GRUMP to my students, afterall :(

There's so much I could be updating right now....

Stash Report! Gosh---haven't calculated those numbers since the beginning of August. Sadly, notebook is downstairs, and I'm all snuggled up with a quilt and the laptop and simply don't want to get up and go down to get it. Wisconsin August temperatures aren't letting me down this August!!!! I dare say, it's 59 degrees outside right now, so we have ALL the windows open. It's a wee bit chilly in the house, but after it reached 90 degrees inside yesterday, the house has cooled down nicely.

Garden update! The REASON it was 90 degrees in the house yesterday is because the canner had been going full-bore! For the past two days, it's been CORN, CORN, CORN! By the time I turned everything off yesterday, I had only tackled 3 rows of corns (of our 9), and have completed 47 pints of corns (only!). BOY! This is my first year actually canning corn; we usually freeze it. Canning it is QUITE the lengthy process! With 6 rows left to do, I think the game plan is to can up another case (or so) of pints, but then to freeze the rest like we've done in the past.

Smith Mountain Morning update! Sorry no pics; I plead the same laziness about getting the camera as I did for the stash report notebook. Before I tackled the corn yesterday, I spent a couple of hours cutting and piecing the units for the border. All blocks and border units are complete, so it's simply a matter of putting it all together.

I truly apologize about a "no-picture" post. They ARE kinda boring to read.......but if you took to time to read all the black-n-white, THANKS!!!

Today, I head to my parents. The girls will spend the afternoon and evening "camping" with my parents. They are SOOO excited! I will spend the afternoon doing my own school shopping, and then this evening I'll spend with my childhood BFF. We haven't seen each other in years!!!!! Via facebook earlier this week, she put a call-out that she's in need of some motivation to get back into her running (BOY, THAT sounds familiar, huh????) I wrote thing lead to another....and we're running a race on Saturday close to the home town (where she still lives).

Anyway...enough of the black-n-white.
I wish I could sleep. It's 4:10 AM now; and I know it will be pointless crawling back into bed.
I wish there were more blogs to read up on; I may have to start clicking everything on everyone else's blogs.

Here's wishing you a happy Friday and weekend to come!


  1. Can totally sympathise with the sleepless nights and I do hope you manage to get some sleep before you go back to school. Enjoy your weekend

  2. I've been there with the sleep. For me... I write down what is going through my head (usually a ton of things 'to do' that I am afraid I won't remember!) and then can get back to sleep.

    Good luck!

  3. Do you make corn relish too? I remember eating that growing up as a kid. I definitely need to move back north. I miss all the fresh veggies and the 4 seasons too. I do not like the heat and living in Florida is killing me.

    I know how it is with the bloack and white blogs, my laptop sits on my desk in the office on the first floor. My sewing rooms are on the 3rd floor, soooo if I leave the camera on the wrong floor, usually I won't go get it. That could be why I pretty much only do blogs on Sunday evenings, then I only have to remember Once to bring it down, and then Once to take the camera back up on Monday after work.

    Good luck on the race on Saturday, and enjoy your time with your BFF. Mine moved to Atlanta.

  4. I love to read your blog first thing in the morning---it gets me jazzed to get going on my own quilting day! I am definitely NOT one of those go-go-go people, but you are definitely giving me a push in that direction!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. My son tells me that when his mind won't shut off and let him sleep he takes a dose of every time. I prefer a Tylenol PM myself.

    I always freeze our corn. We just like it better that way...and like you say, canning really heats up the house. The last couple of years I've even done the cooking part in the microwave. The food experts say it might not work but so far it has.

  6. Happy back to school. With everything going on for you this year, its no wonder you are having sleepless nights. I'm sure once you are back into the swing of things you'll find your rhythm again and make it all work. So looking forward to the quilt pics when you get them up. Hope you get it all put together before you have to completely switch back to school mode again.

  7. Aw, summer is ending everywhere. I wish it was 59 is 80 in my house with the AC going gangbusters (I need a new unit) and I think it was 115 most days this week when I was hiking all over the college campus I work at! I was just thinking about doing a pictureless post..must be something in the air! Good luck with your race!

  8. You work WAY too hard over there! Hope you enjoy a visit with your friend. So awful about your tomato plants...hope they survive!
