
Monday, August 15, 2011

Putting the sun to bed [2011 Running]

Not boating this time, but rather....out for a run. Just an easy 3-miler. After running 13 on Saturday, only THREE is do-able :D

Even the graph showed that it was an easy run. NO walks; not even on the turn-around hill. And look at that Heart-Rate % line....not once over 91%. 'Bout time!!!!!!

Why couldn't I have maintained this on Saturday. I felt GOOD tonight....

Hmmmmm.......could the sunset COOOL temps have anything to do with that?

As a statistics teacher, I LOVE looking at graphs and making sense of them. Notice how the heart-rate % increases as the elevation increases. DUH, right!?

3.26 miles in 35:15 [10:49 pace]

This week's plan per SmartCoach training page:
"Rest" day tomorrow: Looks like strength-training starts then......

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