
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Two quilting finishes & DSL troubles

Grrrrrrrr......I didn't realize Blogger was working on an update, so I lost half of this post before saving, and I don't care to type it all up again.

The short version: We were having DSL troubles and no Internet access when I arrived home last night from my parent's house. So, after some trouble-shooting this AM, and a 30-minute tech-service call, and an 11:00 visit from a (cute) technician, and another 3:00 phone call when the DSL wasn't working again, and another 3:30 visit by the technician.........

.....we're up-n-running again.

During the Internet-down-time today, I got busy with some quilting.....

Splendidly Marching Along (61" x 77")

That hour spent Saturday morning to load this quilt paid off, because it was a perfect way to spend much of the morning hours.

Just a simple pieced backing for this quilt.

The quilting was a new pantograph: 3" Hyacinth. I think I hit a jackpot pantograph provider: Urban Elementz out of Texas; I think they have EVERY POSSIBLE pantograph under the sun!! It took me over three hours the other day to really peruse the entire collection before making my selections. This pantograph is meant for 3" sashing, however as an owner of a Juki98, this is a great size (and SIMPLE pantograph) for my short-arm machine.

After a couple more finishes, this one will make its way to Alycia for QOV donations.

Loading time: ~1 hour
Quilting time: ~ 4 hours
Bobbins used: 6
Pantograph: 3" Hyacinth

Transitions (72" x 97")

Transitions was quilted last month, but had been on the waiting pile for binding.

Being on a roll today, I pulled it out to finish it up. This has plans to be gifted to a sweet lil' gal who is heading off to college in a few weeks.

Both quilts need labels yet; on the agenda for tomorrow. In addition, tomorrow also bodes some gardening! I skipped out of the garden today; I haven't been in it since Sunday. Oh dear---those cucumbers might be overflowing by now.


  1. Was Will you tech guy? He has come out before and been wonderful for us!


  2. did you sneak those 2 finishes in there?!
    Love your mystery quilt from last June...that's my UFO for August and I haven't even taken it out of the closet yet!

  3. They both look great. I really love the quilting!

  4. That turned out great!! And the binding - impressive - you get an awful lot done in your day!!

  5. Thanks for yet another heads up! I really like that pantograph too. I'll have to check them out and probably order a couple more.

    Very productive day for you even if it was frustrating on account of the DSL. Glad it's back up and running!

  6. Great job on getting TWO quilted! They looks great. I need to lock myself in the room and just quilt for a weekend. I've got so many flimsies. Baby steps.
