
Saturday, September 3, 2011


They've survived AND arrived :0)

I wasn't sure what I was going to find when I went outside just now to check the status of the tomato-patch. If you can look past the dead leaves and non-existant leaves.......the FRUIT is arriving BEAUTIFULLY!!! THANK GOODNESS!

I have a weekend; we're going to be canning tomatoes. YES!

Heading back to the house, the girls were "hanging out" in the garage with the new babes.

They never grow tired of handling the baby chicks. :0) These 24 will be raised strictly for meat; in 10 weeks, they'll be in the freezer. Harsh, yes.....but 'tis life.

The OTHER chicks from a couple of months ago.....I couldn't find any of them around to snap a picture, but imagine a "middle-size" chicken. They've grown QUITE big and we can't wait 'til they start producing eggs next year.

Alright....the decision has been made: we're heading up to the farm later tonight, so I have the day. As bad as I'd love to get some quilting in, there are too many other outside projects that need attention.

If you didn't read up on Cassie's SUPER 5K run this morning, be sure to check that post out. {{If you look close at the picture of Caitlyn holding the chick, Cassie is in the background STILL wearing her medal. :0) Think she's still tickled pink???}}


  1. I think it may be some time before that comes off, she had a fantastic race.
    Have a great weekend

  2. That looks like plum tomatoes that you're growing? We've grown round tomatoes and cherry tomatoes this year, but they haven't done at all well, we're getting very few. Better luck next year we hope.

  3. Glad to see your nekid tomato plants are producing! Congratulations to you and Cassie for your race finish and improved time.

  4. Glad to see that your tomato plants produced. This year has not been a good one for our plum trees and our raspberries didn't do well either. We have 3 plum trees that are usually great producers but this year we got only a handful. The weather was not kind early in the season!

  5. my tomatoes started off good, then nothing........ glad someone is getting some fruit. I need to move someplace that I can have a good garden and raise some chickens too for eggs and meat. I don't like paying supermarket prices and who knows what I am really eating too.
